Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Pemprov DKI Sebut Pembangunan Infrastruktur Ikut Picu Banjir Jakarta | Peristiwa - Solopos.com

Pemprov DKI Sebut Pembangunan Infrastruktur Ikut Picu Banjir Jakarta |
Peristiwa - Solopos.com

Pemprov DKI menyebut pembangunan infrastruktur termasuk trotoar memicu genangan atau banjir di jalan-jalan Jakarta.

Solopos.com, JAKARTA — Kepala Dinas Sumber Daya Air Jakarta Teguh Hendrawan menyebut genangan di sejumlah ruas jalan waktu hujan deras, Senin (11/12/2017) lalu, turut dipicu oleh pembangunan infrastruktur. Sebagian proyek tersebut mengganggu saluran air.
“Ya, saya sampaikan pembangunan LRT, MRT, termasuk yang di Becak Kayu. Jujur saya katakan, itu termasuk pembangunan trotoar [penyebab banjir], jadi saluran-saluran, tali air itu banyak tertutup,” ujar Teguh di Jatipadang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (13/12/2017), dikutip Solopos.com dari Suara.com.

“Kan di jalan-jalan kita bisa lihat ada tali air 60 sentimeter dengan tinggi sekitar 30-50 sentimeter itu tertutup. Makanya kemarin di Gatot Subroto terjadi [genangan] kan selama ini enggak ada,” Teguh menambahkan.
Teguh mengatakan sebenarnya sudah lama mengirimkan surat kepada PT Mass Rapid Transit dan Light Rail Transit (LRT) untuk memperhatikan saluran air di sekitar proyek untuk mengantisipasi kalau hujan.
“Kami sudah bersurat kepada mereka. Tapi mungkin mereka tidak menindaklanjuti, ya akhirnya kita eksekusi [sendiri] tapi penanganan cepet kok kemarin,” kata dia.
“Gatot Subroto, perapatan Kuningan, arah ke Mampang, Rasuna Said, Sudirman, itu [saluran airnya] kemarin tertutup. Makanya sekarang pasukan biru kita siaga, cek saluran air kita bersihkan,” Teguh menambahkan.
Teguh menyebut kawasan Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, terbanyak jumlah saluran air yang tertutup material proyek. “Termasuk yang Dinas Bina Marga bikin, kita tegor. Kalau mereka nggak tutup kita bongkar. Kita enggak mau nutup saluran air,” kata dia.

Editor Biologi, informasi selengkapnya


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Sentilan Jokowi buat Anies Baswedan soal atasi banjir Jakarta | merdeka.com

Sentilan Jokowi buat Anies Baswedan soal atasi banjir Jakarta

Merdeka.com - Ibu Kota tengah memasuki musim penghujan. Intensitas hujan yang mengguyur Jakarta dan wilayah penyangganya terbilang cukup tinggi. Praktis, peristiwa itu menimbulkan banjir dimana-mana, penyakit 'kambuhan' dikala hujan.
Hal itu membuat Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gerah. Ia menyentil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan agar segera mengeksekusi permasalahan banjir langganan ini. Beberapa cara pun ia beberkan saat meninjau pembangunan Waduk Sukamahi di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (15/12).
"Kita harapkan juga pemerintah provinsi ini mengerjakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan banjir itu, drainase di kampung-kampung semuanya harus dibersihkan," ujar Jokowi saat meninjau pembangunan Waduk Sukamahi di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (15/12).
Penambahan waduk di DKI juga disarankan Jokowi. Waduk tersebut akan berguna untuk menampung air serta membersihkan sungai agar tidak tertutup oleh sampah.
"Plus kalau bisa tambah waduk-waduk di Jakarta. Itu sudah akan sangat mengurangi. Jadi Waduk Sunter, Waduk Pluit, Waduk Melati, Waduk Setiabudi semuanya harus dikerjakan, dibersihkan terus," tegas Jokowi.
Banyak pekerjaan yang diminta Jokowi untuk dikerjakan Anies. Selain tiga langkah di atas, Jokowi meminta mantan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan itu agar segera merampungkan pengerjaan sodetan yang menghubungkan Sungai Ciliwung dengan Kanal Banjir Timur. Hal itu dinilai mampu mengatasi banjir Ibu Kota.
Kunjungan Jokowi ke Waduk Sukamahi dan Waduk Ciawi sendiri untuk mencari solusi penanggulangan bencana banjir di Jakarta dari wilayah hulu. Upaya itu dinilai mampu mengurangi laju debit air yang masuk ke Jakarta sebesar 30 persen.
"Pusat mengerjakan, pemerintah provinsi mengerjakan. Semuanya harus kerja, semuanya konsisten mengerjakan itu, Insya Allah akan menyelesaikan banyak persoalan banjir di Jakarta," tandas Jokowi seperti diberitakan Antara.
Sesaat sebelum mendapat sentilan Jokowi, Anies mengakui jika peristiwa banjir di Jakarta merupakan tanggung jawabnya.
"Saya bertanggung jawab. Jadi ketika kejadian kemarin, saya tahu ini tanggung jawab saya," ujar Anies di Balai Kota, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (12/12).
Untuk itu, Anies menginstruksi anak buahnya supaya menangani banjir.
"Saya akan instruksikan apa yang menjadi amanat dari saya ke bawah untuk memastikan sampai di ujung paling bahwa semua akan bertanggung jawab," tuturnya.
Anies juga meninjau wilayah Dukuh Atas yang terendam banjir. Ia mendatangi rumah pompa dan mendapati adanya kerusakan di lokasi tersebut.
"Yang tidak berfungsi itu yang di Dukuh Atas sehingga menimbulkan genangan," katanya.
Setelah itu, Anies juga mendatangi wilayah Jati Padang. Lokasi tersebut banjir usai tanggul Kali Pulo jebol. Bagaimana tidak jebol, tanggul itu hanya terbuat dari sak pasir.
"Tanggul yang kemarin ada itu adalah bibir sungainya di tanggul menggunakan pasir dibungkus sak. Jadi sak pasir. Jadi tumpukan-tumpukan sak pasir di pinggir sungai. Jadi ketika volumenya besar, tekanannya kuat, jebol," tuturnya.
Selain Dukuh Atas dan Jati Padang, wilayah Rasuna Said, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kebayoran Baru serta Jalan Gatot Subroto tak luput dari kepungan air. [rhm]

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Jokowi: Waduk Ciawi-Sukamahi Kurangi Banjir Jakarta 30%

Waduk Ciawi-Sukamahi Kurangi Banjir Jakarta 30%

- Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meninjau progres pembangunan waduk Ciawi dan Sukamahi. Jokowi menyebut, proyek tersebut bisa berkontribusi mengurangi banjir Jakarta.
Dikatakan Jokowi, saat ini, waduk tersebut masuk dalam tahap pembebasan lahan dan sudah mencapai 22%. Ditargetkan keduanya bisa rampung pertengahan 2019.
"Ini kan kita ingin juga menyelesaikan masalah banjir yang ada di Jakarta kita bekerja ini di hulunya. Jadi yang mau kita kerjakan ini Waduk Sukamahi dan Waduk Ciawi," kata Jokowi saat meninjau proyek waduk Sukamahi dan Ciawi, Ciawi, Jumat (15/12/2017).
Lebih lanjut dia mengatakan, waduk ini akan berkontribusi mengurangi banjir di Jakarta.
"Dengan adanya dua waduk ini akan ada pengurangan jumlah air yang masuk ke Jakarta sebanyak 30% itu artinya mengurangi banjir di Jakarta sebanyak 30%," ujar Jokowi
"Oleh sebab itu hulu dan hilirnya semua dikerjakan. Hulunya sudah untuk Waduk Sukamahi dan waduk Ciawi nah di hilirnya sendiri di Jakarta Kementerian PU akan mengerjakan Kali Ciliwung. Itu akan terus dikerjakan dan kita harapkan ke pemerintah provinsi ini mengerjakan perbaikan drainase," jelas dia.
Jokowi menjelaskan, pengerjaan di hilir perlu dilakukan sampai ke kampung kampung dan sungai sungai kecil, di Jakarta. Caranya dengan membersihkan semua saluran dan melakukan pemeliharaan waduk-waduk di Jakarta harus dikerjakan.
"Plus kalau bisa, tambah waduk-waduk. Itu saja (Waduk Sukamahi dan Ciawi) itu sudah akan sangat mengurangi sekali," ungkap dia. (zlf/zlf)

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Jokowi Yakin Dua Bendungan di Bogor Kurangi Banjir Jakarta 30 Persen - Kompas.com

BOGOR, KOMPAS.com — Presiden Joko Widodo melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (15/12/2017).
Kali ini, Presiden Jokowi meninjau proyek infrastruktur bendungan yang lokasinya ada di Sukamahi dan Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor. Ini merupakan wilayah hulu dari sungai-sungai di Jakarta.
Di sela-sela peninjauannya, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, bendungan ini nantinya dapat mengurangi debit air dari hulu ke Jakarta cukup besar.
"Dengan adanya dua waduk ini akan ada pengurangan jumlah air yang masuk ke Jakarta lebih kurang 30 persen. Artinya mengurangi banjir di Jakarta 30 persen," ujar Presiden Jokowi.
Menyoal banjir Jakarta, mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu mengatakan, penyelesaiannya perlu dilakukan dari hulu ke hilir.
(Baca juga: Cari Solusi Banjir Jakarta, Gubernur Anies Akan Panggil Pakar)
Salah satu cara, kata Presiden Jokowi, yaitu membangun bendungan-bendungan di wilayah hulu guna mengontrol arus air yang mengalir ke hilir.
"Di hilirnya, di Jakarta sendiri, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) terus mengerjakan pelebaran Kali Ciliwung. Itu akan terus dikerjakan," kata Presiden Jokowi.
Untuk pembangunan dua bendungan ini, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, pembebasan lahan sudah mencapai 22 persen dan diharapkan kedua bendungan ini ditargetkan selesai pada pertengahan 2019.

(Imanuel Nicolas Manafe/Tribunnews.com)
__Artikel ini telah tayang di Tribunnews.com dengan judul: "Tinjau Bendungan di Bogor, Jokowi Yakin Kurangi Banjir Jakarta 30 Persen"

Kompas TV Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan kembali meninjau tanggul di Jatipadang yang jebol saat Jakarta dilanda hujan deras.

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Metro News | Banjir Jakarta dan Penanganannya…

Metro News | Banjir Jakarta dan Penanganannya…

Banjir Jakarta dan Penanganannya

14 Desember 2017 19:43 WIB


Banjir seolah menjadi langganan tahunan, mulai dari penurunan permukaan tanah hingga aktivitas manusia yang dibungkus lemahnya penanganan banjir. Lalu apa penyebab utama banjir di ibu kota negara ini, dan bagaimana penanganannya?






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Hati-hati 6 Kawasan Banjir Jakarta Pekan Ini - Metro Tempo.co

Hati-hati 6 Kawasan Banjir Jakarta Pekan Ini

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Cuaca ekstrem yang melanda Ibu kota Jakarta pekan ini membuat sejumlah lokasi terendam banjir.
Beberapa kali Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) mengeluarkan peringatan dini tentang cuaca ekstrem di Jakarta. Namun, Kepala Dinas Tata Air DKI Jakarta Teguh Hendarwan menilai banjir yang terjadi di Jakarta Desember ini, masih lebih ringan dibanding periode musim hujan pada Agustus 2017.

: Langganan Banjir Jakarta, Ini Daerah Fokus Dinas Sumber Daya Air 

Salah satu bukti klaim tersebut, menurut dia, yakni saat underpass Dukuh Atas terendam sepinggang orang dewasa pada Senin, 10 Desember 2017, air surut hanya dalam waktu 1,5 jam. Meski begitu, Gubernur Anies Baswesan sempat naik pitam gara-gara sejumlah pompa air tak berfungsi padahal sudah sejak dua bulan lalu dilaporkan.
"Sebanyak 95 persen dari total 451 pompa air di Jakarta berjalan normal," ujar Teguh saat ditemui Tempo di Balaikota, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, 13 Desember 2017. "Kami juga sudah siapkan 150 pompa mobile untuk memaksimalkan penanganan terhadap banjir."
Berikut ini merupakan lokasi-lokasi di Jakarta yang terendam banjir pada pekan ini:
1. Banjir Rob di Jakarta Utara Banjir pada 5 Desember 2017 terjadi karena luapan air laut yang terjadi di daerah Muara Kapuk, Jakarta Utara. Tanggul setinggi dua meter yang sudah berusaha ditinggikan dengan sak pasir, tidak bisa menahan laju air. Hal ini mengakibatkan pemukiman warga di sekitar bibir tanggul terendam banjir rob.
Setelah berkoordinasi dengan Wali Kota Jakarta Utara mengenai penanganan banjir, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan mengklaim banjir yang terjadi sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB itu sudah surut pada pukul 16.00.
Esoknya, pada 6 Desember, kawasan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman, Jakarta Utara, kembali terendam banjir rob setinggi 30 sentimeter. Banjir muncul pada pukul 12.00 dan semakin naik hingga pukul 15.00.
Banjir rob juga merendam halaman Polsek Kawasan Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara, yang terletak di sebelah Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Rachman. Beberapa petugas mengenakan sandal dan mengeluarkan air dengan sekop karet agar tidak masuk ke kantor.
Bulan purnama yang saat itu terjadi dicurigai sebagai penyebab naiknya air laut sehingga menyebabkan banjir rob.

Simak: Banjir Jakarta, Cerita Warga Jatipadang Usai 4 Kali Tanggul Jebol
2. Jatipadang, Jakarta SelatanPada Senin lalu, 11 Desember 2017, tanggul di Jatipadang, kawasan Kecamatan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, kembali jebol untuk keempat kalinya.
Jebolnya tanggul disebabkan hujan deras yang melanda Ibu kota pada siang itu. Warga Jatipadang terpaksa mengungsi ke musholla karena rumah mereka terendam air setinggi satu meter
Dalam kunjungannya ke lokasi, Anies berjanji akan membangun tanggul beton untuk menggantikan tanggul sementara Jatipadang yang sudah jebol berkali-kali tersebut.
3. Underpass Dukuh Atas, Jakarta SelatanSelain menyebabkan jebolnya tanggul Jatipadang, hujan badai siang itu juga menyebabkan banjir di underpass Dukuh Atas. Banjir setinggi pinggang orang dewasa ini disebabkan hujan yang mengguyur selama satu jam.
Saat Anies meninjau rumah pompa di daerah Dukuh Atas, dia melihat hanya dua dari enam pompa yang berfungsi baik. Hal ini yang dituding sebagai penyebab terendamnya underpass tersebut.
4. Kuningan, Jakarta SelatanHujan badai selama satu jam tersebut juga menyebabkan titik banjir di kawasan Jalan HR Rasuna Said atau Kuningan, lebih tepatnya di seberang Mall Setiabudi.
Banjir setinggi dengkul orang dewasa melanda jalur tersebut sehingga tidak bisa dilalui kendaraan.
Saat melakukan kunjungan ke lokasi banjir pada Rabu, 13 Desember 2017, Anies menemukan penyebab dari terendamnya jalur tersebut. Ia menuding jalinan kabel optik yang menghalangi laju air dari jalan menuju selokan sebagai penyebab utama banjir di kawasan tersebut.
5. Jalan Adityawarman, Jakarta SelatanHujan deras mengguyur Jakarta dan sekitarnya disertai petir dan angin kencang sejak sekitar pukul 13.30 pada Senin, 11 Desember 2017, membuat Jalan Adityawarman, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, terendam banjir.
Berdasarkan pantauan Tempo, banjir setinggi lutut orang dewasa itu belum surut sampai pukul 16.00. Hingga berita ini ditulis, air setinggi lutut itu belum surut.
6. Tebet, Jakarta SelatanHujan deras yang mengguyur wilayah Jakarta Selatan selama sekitar 40 menit pada Selasa, 12 Desember 2017, kembali menimbulkan banjir di beberapa titik di Tebet. Sehari sebelumnya, wilayah Kelurahan Manggarai Selatan, Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, tersebut juga tergenang air.
Menurut pantauan Tempo, hujan yang berlangsung sejak pukul 13.30 hingga 14.10 itu mengakibatkan banjir setinggi paha orang dewasa atau 50-70 sentimeter. Banjir itu dipicu luapan sungai di samping gedung Telkom Tebet. 

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5 Alasan Anies-Sandi Terkait Banjir Jakarta - News Liputan6.com

5 Alasan Anies-Sandi Terkait Banjir Jakarta

Hujan deras disertai angin kencang mengguyur Jakarta sepanjang Senin siang hingga sore. Beberapa titik di Ibu Kota dikepung banjir. Terparah ada di terowongan Dukuh Atas, Jakarta Pusat.
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan langsung meninjau titik banjir tersebut. Dari hasil blusukannya, Anies menyebut, penyebab banjir karena pompa di sana tidak berfungsi. Dari enam pompa, ternyata hanya dua yang berfungsi. Anies menegaskan akan memanggil SKPD malam ini juga lantaran membiarkan pompa rusak.
"Operator di sini menyampaikan bahwa mereka sudah lapor sejak 22 Oktober dan tidak ada tindak lanjut dari atasannya. Jadi, saya akan panggil, akan tindak atasannya," kata Anies di lokasi, Senin (11/12/2017).
Anies menyebut, perintahnya untuk tanggap bencana saat Apel Siaga Banjir beberapa waktu lalu, tidak dilaksanakan anak buahnya.
"Perintahnya jelas. Kita lakukan apel siaga, meminta seluruh aparatur pastikan semua berfungsi dengan baik, setiap potensi masalah dilakukan mitigasi dan ini teledor, tidak dilaksanakan," tegas Anies.
Menurut Anies, seharusnya banjir di Dukuh Atas bisa dicegah. Sebab, air dapat disedot oleh pompa hanya dalam satu jam.
"Air bisa kesedot dua pompa itu dalam satu jam. Tapi, sebetulnya kalau semua berfungsi, tidak perlu ada genangan air. Jadi, sebenarnya ini sesuatu yang bisa dicegah dan kita akan panggil semua yang bertanggung jawab, dikoreksi, dan ditindak tegas," ujar dia.

Saksikan video pilihan berikut:

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Cara elegan Anies jawab teguran Jokowi soal banjir Jakarta | merdeka.com

Cara elegan Anies jawab teguran Jokowi soal banjir Jakarta

Merdeka.com - Intensitas hujan di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya meningkat sejak awal bulan Desember. Akibatnya, ruas jalanan ibu kota termasuk jalan protokol berulang kali teredam banjir dengan ketinggian bervariasi.
Meski demikian, air lekas surut. Namun kondisi ini membuat Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan dan wakilnya Sandiaga Uno, mendapat banyak pertanyaan sebagai pemimpin baru dalam hal penanganan banjir.
Salah satunya dari Presiden Joko Widodo. Jokowi, begitu dia disapa, mempertanyakan pengerjaan proyek terkait penanggulangan banjir seperti perbaikan drainase di sejumlah perkampungan.
"Kita harapkan juga pemerintah provinsi ini (Jakarta) mengerjakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan banjir itu, drainase di kampung-kampung semuanya harus dibersihkan," ujar Jokowi saat meninjau pembangunan Waduk Sukamahi di Kabupaten Bogor, pada Jumat (15/12) kemarin.
Anies juga diminta membangun waduk baru yang mampu menampung curah hujan di Jakarta. Termasuk membersihkan aliran sungai sehingga air mengalir dengan lancar.
"Plus kalau bisa tambah waduk-waduk di Jakarta. Itu sudah akan sangat mengurangi. Jadi Waduk Sunter, Waduk Pluit, Waduk Melati, Waduk Setiabudi semuanya harus dikerjakan, dibersihkan terus," tegas Jokowi.
Pesan Jokowi lainnya, Anies dan Sandi juga diingatkan segera merampungkan pengerjaan sodetan yang menghubungkan Sungai Ciliwung dengan Kanal Banjir Timur. Jokowi yakin proyek itu sangat membantu mengatasi banjir Jakarta. Apalagi, lanjutnya, saat ini di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor tengah dibangun Waduk Sukamahi dan Waduk Ciawi yang salah satu tujuannya mengurangi laju debit air yang masuk ke Jakarta sebesar 30 persen.
Artinya, kata Jokowi, semua harus bergerak jika memang ingin Jakarta bebas banjir. Buka cuma Jakarta tapi sejumlah daerah penyangga.
"Pusat mengerjakan, pemerintah provinsi mengerjakan. Semuanya harus kerja, semuanya konsisten mengerjakan itu. Insya Allah akan menyelesaikan banyak persoalan banjir di Jakarta," ucap Jokowi dengan tegas.
Anies yang ditemui terpisah tak mau berkomentar banyak soal ragam imbauan yang disampaikan Jokowi soal penanganan banjir. Pada awak media, dia berdalih pertanyaan tak tepat waktu bila ditanyakan saat ini.
"Itu jangan di doorstop, panjang itu sih," ucap Anies singkat.
Saat kembali dicecar soal imbauan Jokowi dalam hal penanganan banjir ibu kota, lagi-lagi Anies memilih irit bicara. Dia meminta waktu kemudian berlalu.
"Nanti sudah ya," ucap Anies kemudian masuk ke mobil.
Soal banjir Jakarta, Sandi sempat berujar DKI perlu menampung air hujan dan mengolahnya menjadi air bersih. Dia yakin cari itu sangat tepat mengurangi dampak banjir Jakarta. Sayangnya, DKI belum memiliki alatnya.
"Kalau air hujan kita tampung, kebutuhan air Jakarta 10 tahun ke depan bisa tertangani. Tapi kita enggak punya sistem ini," jelasnya.
Jika sistem pengelolaan air hujan baik maka air hujan justru akan menjadi berkah dan banjir bisa diatasi. Jika air hujan ditampung maka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih warga Jakarta. Untuk mewujudkan itu memang butuh dana banyak. Sandi memperkirakan anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk mengelola air limbah menjadi air minum sekitar Rp 50 triliun sampai Rp 100 triliun.
Dia menambahkan, tingginya intensitas hujan beberapa waktu terakhir karena anomali cuaca yang tak mungkin dilawan.
"Jangan bilang ini pasti surut atau banjir cuma segini. Enggak. Ini adalah fenomena alam. Allah lagi ngirimin hujan," ucapnya bijak. [lia]

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Banjir Jakarta, Kritik Oposisi, dan Jawaban Jokowi - Kompas.com

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Macet dan banjir lebih mudah diatasi jika menjadi presiden. Demikian kata Joko Widodo pada 24 Maret 2014.
Saat itu, Jokowi masih menjabat Gubernur DKI Jakarta. Ia tengah menghadapi pertarungan Pilpres 2014 melawan rivalnya, Prabowo Subianto.
Jokowi kemudian terpilih menjadi orang nomor satu di Indonesia. Pada 20 Oktober 2014, ia resmi menjabat Presiden RI bersama Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla. Sang rival legawa.
(baca: Jokowi: Macet dan Banjir Lebih Mudah Diatasi jika Jadi Presiden)
Lebih dari tiga tahun berselang, tepatnya pekan kedua Desember 2017, DKI Jakarta dilanda hujan deras.
Meski tidak separah tahun 2012, banjir kali ini cukup menjadi sorotan publik.
Oposisi, politikus Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Hidayat Nur Wahid, mengingatkan janji Jokowi tiga tahun lalu itu.
"Sekarang sudah tiga tahun beliau menjadi Presiden mestinya itu bisa dilakukan maksimal. Apa yang beliau katakan dulu harusnya bisa dilaksanakan," kata Hidayat kepada Kompas.com, Selasa (12/12/2017).
(Baca juga: Jakarta Banjir, Hidayat Nur Wahid Tagih Janji Jokowi)
Wakil Ketua MPR tersebut merasa Jokowi belum maksimal dalam membantu penyelesaian banjir Ibu Kota.
Menurut dia, Presiden Jokowi seharusnya dapat memberikan dukungan politik dan anggaran kepada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Jokowi juga bisa mengoordinasikan penyelesaian banjir di Jakarta dengan daerah penyangga lain, seperti Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, dan Bekasi.
Misalnya, setiap daerah penyangga bisa membangun setu yang mencegah air mengalir ke Ibu Kota.
"Itu kan kewenangannya bukan di Jakarta. Presiden mempunyai kewenangan yang kokoh untuk menyelesaikan masalah di hulu sebelum masuk di tingkat hilir," ujar Hidayat.

Jawaban Jokowi

Tiga hari berselang pernyataan Hidayat, Presiden Jokowi seolah memberi jawaban. Ia blusukan ke proyek infrastruktur di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, yakni proyek Waduk Sukamahi dan Waduk Ciawi.
(Baca juga: Jokowi Janji Bangun Bendungan Sejak Menjabat Gubernur DKI Jakarta)
Kedua waduk tersebut adalah proyek pemerintah pusat melalui Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) demi pengendalian banjir di Ibu Kota.
"Kami ingin juga menyelesaikan masalah banjir yang ada di Jakarta. Kami bekerja di hulunya. Jadi, yang kami kerjakan sekarang ini adalah Waduk Sukamahi dan Waduk Ciawi. Itu sudah dimulai, pembebasan lahannya sudah 22 persen," ujar Jokowi sebagaimana dikutip siaran pers resmi Istana.
"Dengan adanya dua waduk ini, akan ada pengurangan jumlah air yang masuk ke Kota Jakarta 30 persen. Artinya, mengurangi banjir di Jakarta 30 persen," lanjutnya.
Kedua proyek pengerjaan waduk itu ditargetkan rampung pada 2019. Pemerintah pusat dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat dibantu dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor terus berupaya mempercepat pembebasan lahan.
Sebab, salah satu kendala proyek ini adalah pembebasan lahan.
Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan mengakui kendala tersebut. Namun, di sisi lain Aher juga mengakui, justru di era Presiden Jokowi proyek tersebut mencapai progres yang maksimal.
Pasalnya, Aher mengatakan bahwa pembangunan dua waduk itu sebenarnya sudah direncanakan sejak 2004/2005.
"Namun, pemecahan masalahnya baru sekarang. Alhamdulilah, ini berkah karena saya juga Gubernur Jawa Barat," ujarnya.

Tinggal Pemprov DKI

Catatan Kementerian PUPR, pemerintah pusat telah melaksanakan tugasnya membantu Ibu Kota dari persoalan banjir.
(Baca juga: Jokowi Minta Basuki dan Pemprov DKI Bereskan Banjir Jakarta)
Misalnya, dengan melakukan normalisasi 13 sungai yang ada di Jakarta, termasuk Sungai Ciliwung.
Selain itu, Kementerian PUPR juga masih terus mengupayakan penyelesaian pembangunan sodetan Ciliwung di Jakarta Timur.
Sodetan itu akan membagi volume air dari Sungai Ciliwung ke Kanal Timur.
"Jadi, hulu dan hilir semua harus dikerjakan. Hulunya sudah untuk Waduk Sukamahi dan Ciawi. Di hilirnya, di Jakarta, Kementerian PUPR mengerjakan normalisasi sungai," ujar Presiden Jokowi.
Presiden turut mengajak Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta di bawah kepemimpinan Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno yang masih berumur sekitar dua bulan untuk berkolaborasi dalam irama penanganan banjir Ibu Kota itu.
"Kami harapkan juga Pemerintah Provinsi (DKI Jakarta) mengerjakan hal yang berkaitan, seperti drainase, sungai-sungai kecil, dan pemeliharaan waduk di Jakarta. Itu akan sangat mengurangi (banjir). Waduk Sunter, Pluit, Melati, dan Setiabudi, semuanya harus dibersihkan terus," lanjut Jokowi.
Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu yakin apabila pemerintah pusat dan provinsi berkolaborasi, bukan tidak mungkin persoalan banjir yang menjadi momok saban musim hujan dapat diatasi.
"Pusat mengerjakan, pemerintah provinsi mengerjakan, semuanya harus konsisten mengerjakan. Insya Allah akan menyelesaikan persoalan banjir di Jakarta," ujar Jokowi.

Kompas TV Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan kembali meninjau tanggul di Jatipadang yang jebol saat Jakarta dilanda hujan deras.

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Monday, December 18, 2017

George Zimmerman, Acquitted of Trayvon Martin Murder, Threatens to 'Beat' Jay-Z and Feed Him to an Alligator

George Zimmerman, Acquitted of Trayvon Martin Murder, Threatens to 'Beat' Jay-Z and Feed Him to an Alligator

Just when you thought 2017 couldn’t get weirder: George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of murdering teenager Trayvon Martin, is threatening to “beat” rapper and entertainment titan Jay-Z and feed him “to an alligator”—and has sparked a feud with Snoop Dogg in the process.
Zimmerman made the threats of violence to The Blast in response to a docuseries about Martin being produced by Jay, real name Shawn Carter. The 4:44 star is working on a six-part documentary, Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story, which will air on the Paramount Network in 2018, as well as a biographical feature film about Martin.
Zimmerman alleges that members of the documentary production team have made unsolicited visits to the homes of family members in Florida in an attempt to get them to speak to camera. He told The Blast that this was “harassment.”

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SANFORD, FL - NOVEMBER 19: George Zimmerman, the acquitted shooter in the death of Trayvon Martin, faces a Seminole circuit judge during a first-appearance hearing on charges including aggravated assault stemming from a fight with his girlfriend in Sanford, Florida, November 19, 2013.
Joe Burbank-Pool/Getty

“I know how to handle people who fuck with me, I have since February 2012,” he added.
Zimmerman also told the publication “anyone who fucks with my parents will be fed to an alligator.”
Zimmerman shot dead Martin, a 17-year-old boy, in a gated community in Sanford, Florida, in February 2012. The 34-year-old, a neighborhood watch volunteer in the area, was acquitted of murder charges in July 2013.
On Instagram Sunday night, fellow rapper Snoop Dogg responded to Zimmerman’s incendiary remarks about Jay-Z. He said that if “one hair on jays hair is touched that’s when the revolution will b televised.”

Jay-Z announced his two projects about Martin in March this year in conjunction with the Weinstein Company and disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who was fired from his eponymous firm in October following numerous allegations of sexual misconduct against him. In October, Deadline reported that the project is still going ahead, but Weinstein’s name would be removed from the credits.

Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story will be one of the first series to air on the Paramount Network in 2018, after it rebrands from Spike TV.
Both the documentary series and an announced biopic will be based on two nonfiction books, Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin, written by Martin’s parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, and Suspicion Nation: The Inside Story of the Trayvon Martin Justice and Why We Continue to Repeat It, authored by former Weinstein attorney Lisa Bloom.

Src: http://www.newsweek.com/george-zimmerman-acquitted-trayvon-martin-murder-threatens-beat-jay-z-and-feed-750938

Former Fox News contributor who settled sexual harassment lawsuit breaks confidentiality agreement | TheHill

Former Fox News contributor who settled sexual harassment lawsuit breaks confidentiality agreement

A former Fox News contributor who reached a $2.5 million settlement with the network after alleging sexual assault on Sunday said she broke the terms of her confidentiality agreement in order to return fire on Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch.
"I want to be very clear here. I would not have been able to be sitting here to say what I'm about to say if it wasn't for Mr. Murdoch and what he said, because my settlement in exchange for money, I had to agree to be quiet, except if I was disparaged or maligned. And because Mr. Murdoch said what he said, that 60 seconds has allowed me to speak out," former Fox News contributor Tamara Holder told CNN's Brian Stelter on "Reliable Sources." Holder was referring to comments made last week by Fox News chairman Rupert Murdoch in a Sky News interview, in which he appeared to dismiss sexual misconduct allegations against various men at Fox News.Fox News parent company 21st Century Fox, in defending Murdoch's comments, noted that it has responded with serious consequences to sexual harassment allegations. Fox News previously ousted former anchor Bill O'Reilly and the late CEO Roger Ailes amid allegations of sexual harassment against them. “It’s all nonsense,” Murdoch said in the interview. “There was a problem with our chief executive. Sort of. Over the years. But isolated incidents."He added, “That was largely political because we are conservative.”Holder pushed back on the claim that women who made sexual harassment accusations were "political" on Sunday. "If this is political, then let's take these cases to trial. I'm down. Let's open it up. You're the ones who wanted to settle. You're the ones who wanted us to be quiet," she said.  Stelter went on to ask Holder if she thought Fox News would sue as a result of her taking part in the interview. "I'm in violation of the contract except for the fact that I legally have a right to respond if I am disparaged or defamed," she said. "What Mr. Murdoch said, in my opinion as a lawyer, not as a victim or a survivor, is that this gives me a legal right to respond."Holder's comments come after The New York Times reported in March that Holder and Fox News had reached a settlement of more than $2.5 million after she accused an executive there of sexual assault. Holder is one of many women across the country who have stepped forward to accuse various powerful men of sexual misconduct.  

Src: http://thehill.com/homenews/media/365346-former-fox-news-contributor-who-settled-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-breaks

NBC silent on whether MSNBC's Chris Matthews could face other sexual harassment accusations | Fox News

NBC silent on whether MSNBC's Chris Matthews could face other sexual harassment accusations

FILE: April 26, 2011: NBC host Chris Matthews at the 2011 Time 100 Gala ceremony in New York.


A day after it was revealed that NBC paid money to a female staffer in 1999 who accused MSNBC’s Chris Matthews of sexual harassment, the network kept mum Sunday about whether there were other women who had accused the long-time host of inappropriate behavior.
The Daily Caller first reported on the payment Saturday. The website reported that Matthew paid $40,000 to the woman who worked on his show “Hardball with Chris Matthews” as an assistant producer.
Representatives at NBC, CNBC and MSNBC did not respond to Fox News emails and calls Sunday requesting comment on whether other sexual harassment complaints had been filed against Matthews since the payout.


NBC News confirmed Sunday that Matthews was issued a reprimand in 1999 after the woman complained to CNBC executives.
An MSNBC spokesperson told NBC News that the execs were told that Matthews made inappropriate jokes and comments about the woman in front of others, that the matter was reviewed and it was determined the comments were inappropriate and made in poor taste but were never meant as propositions. The show was on CNBC before it was on MSNBC.
The MSNBC spokesperson declined to specify the amount of the payment citing confidentiality, NBC News reported.
Matthews didn’t respond to a request for comment from Fox News.
Matthews is the latest big name in media to be accused of sexual misconduct in the past few months.
Those revelations have been particularly bad at embattled NBC.
In November the network fired its biggest star, “Today” host Matt Lauer, after he was found to have engaged in “inappropriate sexual behavior” with a female colleague over a period of time beginning at the Sochi Olympics in 2014.
NBC also cut ties with political pundit Mark Halperin in October after he was accused of sexually harassing a dozen woman and senior vice president Matt Zimmerman for failing to report relationships he had with women who worked for him, the Daily Caller reported.
On Friday, Fox News reported that NBC News chairman Andy Lack and his embattled deputy, Noah Oppenheim, are scrambling to put new sexual harassment policies in place at NBC News, even as they resist bringing in an outside investigator to look into who knew what about Lauer’s behavior and who may have been covering up for him or enabling him.
Instead, Lack has told employees that the investigation would be handled in-house by NBC lawyers and human resources executives.
Both Lack and Oppenheim have longtime close ties to Lauer and have denied any knowledge of any sexual misconduct involving Lauer. The two execs have been under intense pressure over how they themselves have managed issues of sexual misconduct at NBC News.
NBC News has reported that there could be as many as eight women accusing Lauer of sexual misconduct.
After his firing, Lauer expressed “sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused,” while saying that some of what has been said about him is untrue or mischaracterized.  
Numerous ethics and journalism experts have told Fox News in the last two weeks that NBC needs to bring in an independent, outside investigator to answer all these questions and to apply scrutiny to Lack and Oppenheim themselves.
“It’s hard to see how an internal investigation that reports to senior executives would be viewed as complete and transparent when the conduct, or lack of conduct, of senior executives, such as Andrew Lack, necessarily should be an issue,” Cornell University law professor and Legal Insurrection founder William Jacobson has told Fox News.

Src: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/12/17/nbc-silent-on-whether-msnbcs-chris-matthews-could-have-faced-other-sexual-harassment-accusations.html

Review: ‘A Christmas Story Live!’ Wasn’t Lively Enough - The New York Times

Review: ‘A Christmas Story Live!’ Wasn’t Lively Enough


From left, Maya Rudolph, Andy Walken, Tyler Wladis and Chris Diamantopoulos in Fox’s “A Christmas Story Live.”

Jordin Althaus/ FOX

Judging by last year’s “Grease” telecast and this year’s “A Christmas Story,” the Fox network seems to like everything about live television except the “live” part. A game cast, lively score and sturdy source material made Fox’s big holiday spectacular “A Christmas Story Live!” a pleasant enough way to pass a mid-December Sunday evening. But the presentation throughout was a letdown — like getting pink bunny pajamas for Christmas instead of a Red Ryder BB gun.
Director Bob Clark’s original 1983 movie followed a winding path toward becoming a yuletide staple. Based on the radio monologuist Jean Shepherd’s stories of growing up in a small town outside Chicago in the 1930s, “A Christmas Story” disappeared from theaters quickly, only to find an audience on TV for its honest, funny take on how children process holiday stress.
One of the earliest works of “Dear Evan Hansen”/“La La Land” composers Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the Tony-nominated stage musical version of “A Christmas Story” has been a regional theater favorite since debuting in 2009. Fox’s live broadcast (ably co-directed by Scott Ellis and Alex Rudzinski) smartly emphasized what sets the show apart from the film: big production numbers, putting across generally tuneful songs.
But while producing the musical live on the Warner Bros. Burbank studio backlot allowed for some impressively splashy moments — primarily anything spotlighting Broadway regulars Chris Diamantopoulos and Jane Krakowski — the staging made it look like a slightly shaggier version of a taped TV special. No one watching would’ve known this was a live production if not for the periodic cheers from an invisible audience and the occasional blown line.

New movies and TV shows are added to streaming platforms each month. Here are the titles we think are most interesting in December.

Oddly enough, most of the stumbles came from stage vet Matthew Broderick, who played the narrator: an adult version of Shepherd’s stand-in Ralphie Parker, looking back on growing up with his gruff father (Mr. Diamantopoulos) and overprotective mother (an ingratiating Maya Rudolph). While he huffed and puffed a bit early on, Mr. Broderick’s folksy charisma made up for his surprisingly frequent gaffes.
Andy Walken was a fine version of the young Ralphie, even if his primary asset was his resemblance to the film’s bespectacled star, Peter Billingsley. Like the movie, Fox’s musical (only slightly modified from the stage) followed an episodic structure, framing one kid’s holiday misadventures around his efforts to convince his parents to buy him an air rifle for Christmas.
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Src: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/18/arts/television/a-christmas-story-live-fox.html

Minnie Driver Takes Aim at Ex Matt Damon: Men Like Him ''Cannot Understand What Abuse Is Like' | E! News

Minnie Driver Takes Aim at Ex Matt Damon: Men Like Him ''Cannot Understand What Abuse Is Like'

In Wednesday's episode of ABC News' Popcorn With Peter Travers, Damon shared his views regarding the wave of sexual misconduct allegations in Hollywood and got some serious criticism for his comments. The Oscar-winning actor said, "I think we're in this watershed moment. I think it's great. I think it's wonderful that women are feeling empowered to tell their stories—and it's totally necessary."
However, Damon then argued there is "a spectrum of behavior" that people should take into consideration.
"You know, there's a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?" said Downsizing actor to Peter Travers. "Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn't be conflated, right?" In the case of Al Franken, for example, he would have "preferred if they had an Ethics Committee investigation." But, Damon warned, "We are so energized to kind of get retribution."
In the interview, Damon also commended Louis CK for being remorseful in his public apology. “That’s the sign of somebody who—well, we can work with that...I don’t know Louis CK. I’ve never met him. I’m a fan of his, but I don’t imagine he’s going to do those things again. You know what I mean? I imagine the price that he’s paid at this point is so beyond anything."
Over the weekend, Driver made her feelings known over her ex's comments, "I don’t understand why Matt would defend Louis CK...It seems to me that he thinks that because he didn’t rape somebody—so far as we know—that what he did do wasn’t as bad."

Src: http://www.eonline.com/news/900694/minnie-driver-takes-aim-at-ex-matt-damon-men-like-him-cannot-understand-what-abuse-is-like

Jonghyun, K-pop star and SHINee singer, dies in possible suicide

Jonghyun, K-pop star and SHINee singer, dies in possible suicide

Kim Jong-hyun, a member of South Korean K-pop group SHINee, poses for a photo in 2016.

(Photo: Lee Jin-man, AP)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The lead singer of popular South Korean boy band SHINee died on Monday, police said, in a possible suicide.
Kim Jong-hyun, better known by the stage name Jonghyun, was found unconscious at a residence hotel in Seoul and was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, Seoul police said.
Police said Kim's sister told them that the singer sent her text messages such as "Final farewell" and "I've had difficulties" before his death.
Police said they have not yet determined whether he killed himself.
Yonhap news agency said authorities found burned coal briquettes, which produce carbon monoxide, in a frying pan in Kim's hotel room.
Kim debuted in 2008 as the main singer of SHINee, and cultivated a career as both a group member and a solo singer-songwriter. His last public appearance was at a solo concert titled Inspired on Dec. 9-10 in Seoul, and he was scheduled to hold concerts with SHINee members in Tokyo and Osaka in February, Yonhap said.
South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates among developed countries. A string of high-profile figures, including a former president and business executives, have killed themselves in recent years.

Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Src: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/12/18/jonghyun-south-korean-boy-band-member-dies-possible-suicide-shinee/108714930/

Tavis Smiley fires back at sexual harassment allegations: 'PBS made a huge mistake' - ABC News

Tavis Smiley fires back at sexual harassment allegations: 'PBS made a huge mistake'

Talk-show host Tavis Smiley defended himself again against sexual harassment allegations today, saying, "PBS made a huge mistake here."

PBS suspended the distribution of his eponymous talk show earlier this month after an investigation, noting "multiple, credible allegations," the network confirmed to ABC News in a statement.

A PBS spokesperson added, "PBS engaged an outside law firm to conduct an investigation immediately after learning of troubling allegations regarding Mr. Smiley. This investigation included interviews with witnesses as well as with Mr. Smiley. The inquiry uncovered multiple, credible allegations of conduct that is inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS, and the totality of this information led to today's decision."

Tavis Smiley defended himself against sexual harassment accusations during a live interview on "Good Morning America" on Monday, Dec. 18, 2017.

During a live sit-down interview on "Good Morning America" today, Smiley, 53, reiterated that "I've never groped, I've never coerced" women into sexual relations on his staff "in 30 years over six different networks."

He added, "I celebrate and applaud these women who had the courage to come out," but he's concerned that because of the recent climate, "people end up being guilty simply by accusations."

Smiley had relationships with women while working on “The Tavis Smiley Show,” he said, adding he can prove they were consensual “with letters, cards, gifts and, certainly, photographs."

He noted that one woman with whom he had a romantic relationship still works for him now.

"I certainly understand people can have a viewpoint any consensual relationship in the workplace is wrong ... but there are also other points of view on this,” he said. “While we don’t encourage [them] ...we don’t forbid them.”

Tavis Smiley responded to sexual harassment claims during a live interview on "Good Morning America" on Monday, Dec. 18, 2017.

The talk-show host added that during those relationships, he never instructed the “team” who runs his company on any employment matters.

"I never gave any favoritism upward or downward,” he said.

Smiley also pushed back on claims that he has created a hostile work environment, saying, "I have feelings. I have emotions and when the ball gets dropped,” he has had to pick it back up.

“The environments are intense at times,” he said. “I‘m not an angry black man and this notion of a hostile environment just doesn’t fit."

After the investigation, Smiley said, he was unsure whether he would return to PBS, which distributes his talk show.

"PBS made a huge mistake here. They need to fix it. They need to correct it," he said. "I'm going to do anything to protect my reputation."

Talk Show Host Tavis Smiley hosts a PBS Special "Courting Justice" at Loyola Law School, June 10, 2016 in Los Angeles.

Smiley had previously denied the allegations and criticized the investigation in a video posted to Facebook.

"If having a consensual relationship with a colleague years ago is the stuff that leads to this kind of public humiliation and personal destruction, heaven help us," he said. "This has gone too far. And I, for one, intend to fight back."

"To be clear, I have never groped, coerced, or exposed myself inappropriately to any workplace colleague in my entire broadcast career, covering 6 networks over 30 years. Never. Ever. Never," he said.

"The PBS investigators refused to review any of my personal documentation, refused to provide me the names of any accusers, refused to speak to my current staff, and refused to provide me any semblance of due process to defend myself against allegations from unknown sources," Smiley added. "Their mind was made up."

But in a separate statement, PBS defended their investigation.

"Following receipt of a complaint, PBS hired an independent law firm to conduct an investigation and we stand by its integrity. The totality of the investigation, which included a three-hour interview of Mr. Smiley, revealed multiple sexual relationships with subordinates over many years, and other acts that together constitute a pattern of conduct inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS," a PBS spokesperson told ABC News in a statement.

Tavis Smiley appears at the 33rd annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards in Los Angeles, April 27, 2016.

A sponsor for his talk show, Walmart, paused their relationship with him in light of the investigation.

"We take these issues very seriously and are troubled by the recent allegations," the company said in a statement obtained by ABC News. "As a result, we are suspending our relationship with Mr. Smiley, pending the outcome of the PBS investigation."

Walmart was also backing Smiley's upcoming tour, titled "Death of a King: A Live Theatrical Experience," based on his 2014 book of the same name. The show, centered on the life of Martin Luther King Jr., was expected to reach 40 cities nationwide until it was cancelled by its production company, according to a statement obtained by ABC News.

Tavis Smiley appears at the 33rd annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards in Los Angeles, April 27, 2016.

A statement from Mills Entertainment read, "In light of the recent allegations concerning Tavis Smiley, Mills Entertainment will not be moving forward with the 'Death of a King' project at this time. We believe deeply in the message of this production and the importance of commemorating Dr. King in this crucial moment; however, we take seriously the allegations and will be suspending our relationship with Tavis Smiley and T.S. Productions."

"The Tavis Smiley Show" has aired on PBS for 14 seasons.

Src: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/tavis-smiley-fires-back-sexual-harassment-allegations-harvey/story?id=51846939

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi': Where Does 'Episode IX' | Hollywood Reporter

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi': Where Does 'Episode IX'

[Spoiler Warning: Don’t read any further if you haven’t seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi yet. No, really.]

By the end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, audiences are likely to feel a complicated mixture of emotions — elation, exhaustion, sadness — but one question is sure to be on everyone’s minds as they leave the theater: What happens next?
After all, The Last Jedi changes the status quo of the series significantly, seemingly killing a number of characters and drastically altering the scale of the conflict (or, at least, the size of the Resistance). It leaves the series in a very different place than where Episode VIII found it…but also keeps core mysteries and questions intact as it moves toward the conclusion in 2019’s Episode IX. Here are some of the questions and tasks the final movie in the current trilogy has to address, if not outright answer.

How Can the Resistance Rebuild?
It’s not just that the Resistance is now small enough to fit onboard the Millennium Falcon — and a Falcon filled with Porgs, it seems — the end of The Last Jedi suggests that the galaxy isn’t prepared to put itself at risk to fight the First Order. Clearly, some large inspirational event is required, but what could that be, with Luke Skywalker dead and Leia likely to be missing entirely from Episode IX due to the tragic death of Carrie Fisher last year? (That said, an in-universe death of Leia offscreen between movies could provide a “Do it for Leia’s memory” motivation, as cynical as that might be.)

Can Kylo Ren Be Saved?
Luke believed that Ben Solo was beyond redemption, but Rey believed he could be turned to the light for much of the movie before he betrayed her. Star Wars has a strange relationship with its central villains: Darth Sidious/The Emperor was literally irredeemable, but the same wasn’t true of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, ultimately. Kylo Ren, meanwhile, has shown to be far more conflicted than either of those two, suggesting that he’s not as evil as he wants to be…. But who would be able to convince him of that, with Leia no longer an option? Note that Kylo Ren hasn’t actually been face-to-face with Leia in the trilogy so far — even though he’s shared the screen with every other central character — suggesting it was something planned for a future that will never happen.

What Is the Connection Between Rey and Kylo Ren?
If Luke is to be believed — and he’s hardly as reliable as he once seemed, judging by his behavior in The Last Jedi — then both Rey and Kylo Ren are unusually powerful Force users. They are also able to telepathically talk, for reasons that neither of them understands. Clearly, something is going on between the two of them, but what? And between the two of them, can they bring balance back to the Force?

Does Rey Really Know the Truth About Her Parents?
Kylo Ren told Rey that she knew the truth about her parents, but there was an obvious out given just earlier in the movie, Supreme Leader Snoke admitted to playing with both Kylo's and Rey’s minds when they were talking, which is when Kylo saw the “truth” about Rey’s background. Was Kylo Ren mistaken when he declared that Rey didn’t come from “important” parents? And either way, what was going on with that sequence when Rey asked to see her parents and only saw herself…? Has Star Wars suddenly become a metaphor for becoming our own selves through a process of intentional creation and reflection?

Is [Insert Character Here] Really Dead?
It depends who you’re talking about, really. Luke? Sure, although he has Force Ghost potential if needed (just ask Yoda). Supreme Leader Snoke? Unless he comes from a planet where it’s no big deal to be cut in half, I think it’s safe to assume that he’s a goner, too. Phasma? Well, that’s far more uncertain. Sure, she fell into what looked like a fiery grave, but she was wearing armor…. Don’t be too surprised if she somehow shows up again, either in Episode IX or some canonical spinoff somewhere, looking a little charred for the experience. (Han Solo, though, he’s totally dead.)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Src: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/star-wars-last-jedi-does-episode-ix-1068445

Star Wars The Last Jedi spoilers: Supreme Leader Snoke's startling scenes | EW.com

Star Wars The Last Jedi spoilers: Supreme Leader Snoke's startling scenes

Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?
That question has vexed Star Wars fans for years, as many reached back into old novels and monologues from the prequels for possible answers.
One of the more popular guesses comes from a fable the Emperor told Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith about Darth Plaugeis, the ancient Sith master said to have conquered death — only to be betrayed by his apprentice.
While the “Snoke is Plaugeis” debate became faster and more intense, endless other possibilities arose. Steele Saunders, host of the Star Wars podcast Steele Wars, even came up with a T-shirt emblazoned in the old Kenner toys font: Your Snoke Theory Sucks.
The most plausible idea was a simple one: Snoke would just be Snoke — a new character with his own backstory, just one that hasn’t been told.
As part of a post-screening Q&A for The Last Jedi this weekend, I got a chance to ask writer-director Rian Johnson about the ominous villain (portrayed by Andy Serkis) and what the movie decided to do — and not do — with him.

To hide the spoiler, let’s hear from the filmmaker about Snoke’s surprising moments on the next page.


It turns out, your Snoke theory doesn’t necessarily suck. It’s just … not relevant.
We did not learn anything new about Snoke’s origin in The Last Jedi, but we did witness his grim ending.
As you know from seeing The Last Jedi(and if you haven’t, you should stop reading now), Snoke is carved in half like a malevolent birthday cake while goading Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) to execute a trapped Rey (Daisy Ridley).
Snoke is so preoccupied with gloating and holding Rey aloft using his own Force powers he doesn’t notice that the Skywalker family lightsaber on the armrest of his throne turn has turned toward him. Only when it ignites, piercing his spine and bisecting him, does Snoke realize he has been both outwitted and betrayed.
But after that, instead of joining Rey, Kylo urges her to join him. He has no intention of turning “good.” He aspires to become the new supreme leader.

A Monster Falls, Another Rises

Writer-director Rian Johnson says he only knew one truth: It was time for Snoke to end. That felt like the only way to make Kylo Ren stronger and more formidable as the trilogy closes.
“When I was working on the character of Kylo, I came to a place where I thought the most interesting thing would be to knock the shaky foundation out from under him at the beginning of this movie,” Johnson said. “By the end of this film, he’s gone from being a wannabe Vader to someone who is standing on his own feet as a complex villain taking the reins.”
Johnson also thought it would be “a really good setup going into the next movie.”
“But then the question is: What place would Snoke have at the end of that?” Johnson said. “That made me realize the most interesting thing would be to eliminate that dynamic between the ‘emperor’ and pupil, so that all bets are off going into the next one. That also led to the possibility of this dramatic turn in the middle, which could also be a really powerful connection point between Kylo and Rey.”

Blank Slate

As for Snoke’s history, we don’t know much. But Johnson says fans of the original trilogy also knew next to nothing about the history of Emperor Palpatine.
While Serkis, who performs Snoke through motion capture, says he believes the villain’s injuries (and bitterness) stem from a long-ago conflict with the new Republic, we will have to wait for another story to explore that origin.
“I do think it’s interesting,” Johnson said. “I never want to poo-poo the fans coming up with theories. It’s part of the fun of being a Star Wars fan. If there is a place for it in another story, I hope it gets told.”
Telling it himself in The Last Jedi would have felt like he was shoehorning information on the audience that would have become a distraction. “It would have stopped any of these scenes dead cold if he had stopped and given a 30-second speech about how he’s Darth Plagueis,” Johnson said. “It doesn’t matter to Rey. If he had done that, Rey would have blinked and said, ‘Who?’ And the scene would have gone on.”
Before moving on himself, Johnson quickly added, “And I’m not saying he’s Darth Plagueis!”

More post-screening insights (these are heavy spoilers, but if you’ve read this far…)

Src: http://ew.com/movies/2017/12/17/star-wars-last-jedi-spoilers-snoke-killed-theories/

Sunday, December 17, 2017

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The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

African penguins, wearing red and green holiday garments, take a walk at Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, an amusement park in Yokohama, Japan, on Tuesday, December 12.

The week in 29 photos

Britain's Prince William, left, stands next to his brother, Prince Harry, as they watch a BB-8 droid bow to them at the London premiere of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" on Tuesday, December 12.

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

A leopard looks up from a deep well it fell into on the outskirts of Gauhati, India, on Wednesday, December 13. The leopard was rescued and sent to a state zoological park.

The week in 29 photos

A diver in a Santa Claus costume swims with sardines Sunday, December 10, at the Coex Aquarium in Seoul, South Korea.

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

James Hurd, drum major of the Naval Academy Band, waits to lead the band onto a snowy field in Philadelphia before the annual Army-Navy football game on Saturday, December 9.

The week in 29 photos

Russian cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky is helped out of a space capsule after landing in Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, on Thursday, December 14. He and two others landed back on Earth after spending nearly six months aboard the International Space Station.

The week in 29 photos

Flowers are placed on the carcass of an elephant that forest officials said was electrocuted in a paddy field in Nagaon, India, on Tuesday, December 12.

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

Rabbi Levi Shemtov, left, helps during the National Menorah Lighting in Washington on Tuesday, December 12. Hanukkah ends on December 20 this year.

The week in 29 photos

Zookeepers capture a staff member wearing a lion costume during an animal-escape exercise at the Tennoji Zoo in Osaka, Japan, on Tuesday, December 12.

The week in 29 photos

People in Jackson, Mississippi, protest in silence during the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum on Saturday, December 9. They were protesting against the Mississippi state flag, which still includes the Confederate battle flag in its upper-left corner.

The week in 29 photos

A dog catches a snowball in Godewaersvelde, France, on Monday, December 11.

The week in 29 photos

Workers prepare a display Wednesday, December 13, for the New Year's Eve celebration in New York's Times Square.

The week in 29 photos

The week in 29 photos

Army cadets celebrate after their graduation ceremony in Gaya, India, on Saturday, December 9.

The week in 29 photos

People take a selfie together during Independence Day celebrations in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday, December 12.

The week in 29 photos

A camel hangs upside down as he is brought in for foot surgery at a camel hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Monday, December 11.

The week in 29 photos

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Your hero could be a CNN Hero! - CNN

Your hero could be a CNN Hero!

Story highlights

2018 CNN Heroes nominations are open!
Here are tips to help you write your nomination
Nominations close July 31, 2018

(CNN)They're your friends, your colleagues, your family members, or maybe someone you read about.
They are CNN Heroes, each of whom shows how one person can truly make a difference.
Again this year, CNN encourages you to tell us about these everyday people changing the world -- by nominating them at CNNHeroes.com. Taking a few minutes to share their story with us could propel them to worldwide recognition.
Destiny Bush nominated her mentor and "second mother," Tawanda Jones, whose drill team provides discipline and inspiration to thousands of children in the violent city of Camden, New Jersey. Jones was recognized as a Top 10 CNN Hero in 2013.
"It was important for the world to see this wonderful individual who commits herself effortlessly -- her heart, her body, her soul -- to our youth," said Bush, who now works in education.

But you don't have to personally know the individual you nominate.
Johanna Robinette, for example, lives in the same small town as Dale Beatty, who helps build and modify homes for injured veterans. Robinette had heard about Beatty's organization, and she saw nominating him as a way to help draw attention to his efforts.
"To be able to take that time to do that, I was thankful that I did and thankful that (he was) honored in that way," Robinette said. "It felt great to be a part of that."
It's easy to nominate the person whose work you admire. But a thoughtful, well-written nomination is essential to help yours stand out from the thousands we receive. Here are some suggestions we hope will help you in crafting your nomination for consideration as a 2017 CNN Hero.
• Think about what makes your hero special. Ask yourself: What makes my nominee unique? What specific accomplishment has he or she achieved that is truly remarkable? What impact has his or her work had on others? We encourage you to watch videos of previous CNN Heroes to familiarize yourself with the achievements of the inspiring individuals we honor as "everyday people changing the world."
• Take a look at our nomination form. We suggest you review the information requested about yourself, your nominee and his or her work before filling out your submission.
• Tell us about your hero. Take your time and write from the heart. Remember: What you share -- in your own words -- is the most important factor in advancing a nomination for further consideration. You can enter your answers to the essay questions directly on the form, or write them first in a word-processing document and cut and paste them into each answer field. Please note the information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.
• Click "Submit." If your nomination has been successfully transmitted, you'll see a "thank you" message on your screen. This is the only confirmation you will receive. And yes, we read each and every one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is eligible to be considered as a CNN Hero?

A: Nominations must be in the name of a single individual, at least 13 years of age, whose accomplishment occurred (or continued) after December 1, 2017. Groups and organizations are ineligible for consideration. Self-nominations will not be accepted. For complete details on eligibility requirements and other rules governing selection of CNN Heroes, please read our legal disclosures.

Q: How will I know if my hero is selected?

A: Because of the high volume of nominations received, we cannot respond individually to each submission. However, if your nomination advances, we will contact you and your nominee through the contact information you provide.

Q: What if I don't know my nominee's address, email and telephone number?

A: Please make every effort to provide as much contact information as possible. We require either an email address or telephone number so we may quickly contact your nominee to obtain permission for consideration as a CNN Hero.

Q: May I submit additional supportive information about my nominee?

A: There's space at the end of the form to provide links to articles or websites with more information about your hero. Please do not send additional material unless requested.

Q: May I mail or fax my nomination?

A: No. All nominations must be submitted online through our website.

Q: What if my nomination form is rejected?

A: When filling out your form, please note that certain information is required. Those fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
CNN is not responsible for technical problems that may prevent your submission from being successfully transmitted. You may wish to first write and save the answers to essay questions in a word-processing document. That way, if you need to resubmit your nomination, you can cut and paste those answers into the form and avoid having to rewrite them.

Q: Can I buy tickets to "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute"?

A: Unfortunately, seating is limited and by invitation only. Air dates and times for the global broadcast of "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute" will be announced in October, 2018.

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Police accuse man of acting as N. Korean agent

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Animals strike a pose in photo competition - CNN Video

Animals strike a pose in photo competition

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Trulia Home Values

Trulia Home Values

San Diego, CA Real Estate & Homes For Sale | Trulia

San Diego, CA Real Estate & Homes For Sale

San Diego /sn dieo/ is a major city in California, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California, approximately 120 miles south of Los Angeles and immediately adjacent to the border with Mexico.
With all of the restaurants scattered in San Diego, such as food stands, pizza and Korean, the only difficulty you'll have will be deciding where to go to eat! This vicinity has an ample selection of nightlife venues so you're unlikely to find yourself sitting around with nothing to do of an evening. If the arts are your thing, San Diego is stacked with things to do and see like performing arts spots, museums and music halls. If you're the type who loves to stay active, this city is the place for you - keep in shape with activities such as playing at the park, paddleboarding and boating. If you're an avid shopper who loves stores like art galleries, luggage stores and watch shops, then San Diego is for you; there are so many amazing stores within walking distance that you will be doing a lot of shopping.
There aren't many owner-operated homes in San Diego, so you will meet new short term neighbors often.
The average price on homes for sale in San Diego is $721,467 this year, a 2.6 percent increase year-over-year. In the meantime, the number of homes on the market slightly dropped 5.2 percent year-over-year to reach 2,186 listings in this year. If you're looking for a home that's guaranteed to wow your guests, there are several homes in this city that feature rooftop pools. If snuggling by the fire appeals to you, check out the numerous homes here which feature real fireplaces. A fair amount of the apartments in this place have a small in-unit laundry room, so there's no need to wait in line with others just to use these facilities.

Trulia Home Values

Trulia Home Values

'This Is Us' star finds heroes in unexpected places - CNN

'This Is Us' star finds heroes in unexpected places

Story highlights

The 2017 CNN Hero of the Year will be announced at 'CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute' on December 17
Celebrity presenters include Christian Bale, Sterling K. Brown, Diane Lane, Alfre Woodard and Jim Gaffigan

(CNN)Emmy award-winning actor Sterling K. Brown regularly turns in three-tissue performances on NBC's "This Is Us." Now he'll help present the emotionally stirring stories of 10 regular people working to improve the world one community at a time.
Brown joins Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale, Oscar-nominated actress Diane Lane, Emmy-nominated actress Samira Wiley, Oscar-nominated actress Alfre Woodard and Emmy-nominated comedian Jim Gaffigan to commemorate the 11th annual "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute" on Sunday, December 17.
ABC's Kelly Ripa will join CNN's Anderson Cooper to host the show, which airs live on CNN at 8 p.m. ET from New York's American Museum of Natural History.
Actors Amber Tamblyn of "Paint It Black," Gaten Matarazzo of "Stranger Things," Brooklynn Prince of "The Florida Project" and Iain Armitage of "Big Little Lies" are among the celebrity presenters helping celebrate this year's CNN Heroes.

The event will be capped off by Grammy-nominated soul singer Andra Day and Grammy-winning hip-hop artist Common, who will perform their hit song "Stand Up for Something."
You can vote for your favorite top 10 CNN Hero here. The hero with the most votes will be named "CNN Hero of the Year" during the All-Star Tribute and receive $100,000 for his or her cause.
The top 10 CNN Heroes will be honored for these projects:
Stan Hays, a Grand Champion pitmaster, uses his barbecuing skills to feed people in need during disasters through Operation BBQ Relief.
Samir Lakhani established the Eco-Soap Bank, which recycles used hotel soap for better hygiene and job creation in Cambodia.
Jennifer Maddox's Chicago after-school program, Future Ties, provides a safe space for more than 100 children to learn, grow and succeed.
Andrew Manzi's nonprofit, Warrior Surf, provides free six-week surf camps for veterans and their families, complete with therapy sessions on the beach.
Rosie Mashale and the organization Baphumelele provide care for more than 5,000 orphaned, abandoned or sick children, many of whom have lost parents to AIDS.
Leslie Morissette's project, Grahamtastic Connection, gives computers, iPads and robots to ill kids so they stay connected to friends, family and school.
Mona Patel created the San Antonio Amputee Foundation, which offers peer support, education, recreation and financial help for prosthetic limbs.
At Khali Sweeney's Downtown Boxing Gym Youth Program, around 100 children get training and academic tutoring five days a week.
Aaron Valencia's nonprofit, Lost Angels Children's Project, is an after-school program that focuses on classic car restoration.
Amy Wright's popular North Carolina shop, Bitty and Beau's Coffee, employs 40 people with disabilities.
Beginning at 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 17, donations made to the designated nonprofit organization of each Top 10 CNN Hero, via CNNHeroes.com and crowdrise.com/cnnheroes, will be matched up to $50,000 per Hero.
Now in its 11th year, the Peabody Award and Emmy-winning "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute" has profiled more than 300 heroes and has received upward of 85,000 nominations from more than 100 countries.
"Like" CNN Heroes on Facebook, follow @CNNHeroes on Twitter, and use hashtag #CNNHeroes. Behind-the-scenes images can be viewed on the CNN Heroes Instagram account.

Meet the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2017 - CNN

Meet the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2017

Story highlights

CNN Heroes honors everyday people who have dedicated their lives to change the world
Each top 10 CNN Hero will receive a $10,000 cash prize and training from the Annenberg Foundation

(CNN)Their missions vary greatly: To provide loving homes for orphaned children, feed those in crisis or mend war's psychological wounds.
Yet they all share one goal: to improve the lives of those around them.
This year's top 10 CNN Heroes include an amputee who created her own support network, a cop who empowers the children of Chicago's South Side, and a determined mother employing dozens of developmentally challenged young adults.
Each of these heroes will receive a $10,000 cash prize. One of the 10 will be named "CNN Hero of the Year" and receive an additional $100,000 for his or her cause.
Their efforts are being highlighted at "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute," a global broadcast event on CNN airing December 17 at 8 p.m. ABC's Kelly Ripa will join Anderson Cooper as co-host for this star-studded 11th-annual show, live from New York's American Museum of Natural History.

Meet the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2017:

Stan Hays, a Grand Champion pitmaster, uses his barbecuing skills to feed people in need.
Since 2011, his nonprofit, Operation BBQ Relief, has prepared almost 1.7 million meals for disaster survivors and first responders -- including during recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida.
"Seeing the people working and knowing the impact the meals are making -- it can't help but bring a smile to your face, maybe a tear to your eye," Hays said.
Samir Lakhani was a student volunteer in Cambodia when he saw a mother bathing her newborn with laundry soap and realized the bar soap in his own hotel room could make a huge difference.
Lakhani established the Eco-Soap Bank, which now has four soap recycling centers across Cambodia, providing jobs to 35 local women.
"I did not expect to be so effective by such an early age," Lakhani said. "If you have one part drive and maybe one part naivety or foolishness, you can do anything."
Having grown up in Chicago's South Side, police officer Jennifer Maddox still sees a neighborhood rife with challenges.
Maddox's after-school program Future Ties provides a free, safe space for more than 100 children in grades K-5 to learn, grow and succeed.
"We can't arrest our way out of this. Law enforcement needs the people in the community to work with us to solve some of the grassroots issues that are causing the violence."
Former school teacher Rosie Mashale ran a free daycare from her Cape Town, South Africa, home for 10 years.
But when she was almost ready to retire, Mashale found an orphan on her doorstep and discovered a new calling: to provide care for more than 5,000 orphaned, abandoned or sick children, many of whom have lost parents to AIDS. Her organization, Baphumelele, translates to "we have progressed."
"Some of them tell me that they want to be social workers; they want to do the work that I'm doing," Mashale said. "Everybody has got a dream, and my wish is for their dream to be fulfilled."
Andrew Manzi sought professional help to cope with PTSD and a traumatic brain injury he suffered as a Marine serving two tours in the Iraq War. But it was surfing that helped heal his soul.
Manzi's nonprofit, Warrior Surf, provides free six-week surf camps for veterans and their families, complete with therapy sessions on the beach.
"You feel safe out there when you know you got a bunch of brothers floating around you," Manzi said. "We're just taking a natural approach to healing."
Leslie Morissette's son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia and 8 when he died.
Morissette channeled her grief into the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection, which provides free computers, iPads and even robots to children battling serious illnesses so they can stay connected to friends, family and their classrooms.
"I find that most seriously ill children just want to be normal kids," Morissette said. "They want to be in school and they want to be with their classmates. So, we're providing the tools that enable that."
Mona Patel was a 17-year-old college student walking to class when a drunken driver crashed into her, smashing her leg and requiring several surgeries and amputations.
Patel created the San Antonio Amputee Foundation, which offers peer support, education and recreation, as well as financial assistance for prosthetic limbs.
"When somebody becomes an amputee, maneuvering through the system is sometimes just scary," said Patel. "I think the big catalyst of me doing what I do to help the amputee community is because I lived it."
Khali Sweeney started the Downtown Boxing Gym Youth Program to help youth avoid the negativity he faced after falling in with the wrong crowd as a kid.
Five days a week, around 100 children hit the Detroit gym for training and academic tutoring. More than 260 students have completed the program. All of them, Sweeney says, have graduated high school, and 98% have gone on to college.
"I don't see bad kids. I see a kid who hasn't been heard yet. So, let's find out what's really going on," Sweeney said. "I see the true potential in the kids. "
Facing drugs, jail and homelessness as a teen taught Aaron Valencia that youth need positive examples and projects to occupy their time.
Valencia's nonprofit, Lost Angels Children's Project, is an after-school program that focuses on classic car restoration. Low-income, foster and at-risk youth work on a car that is raffled off to support the program.
"It's a lot more than just teaching kids how to be mechanics," Valencia said. "We are trying to get them to open their eyes to see a different way."
When Amy Wright and her husband found out that 70 percent of adults with intellectual and physical disabilities do not have jobs, they were inspired to change that. After all, two of the pair's four children live with Down syndrome.
Bitty and Beau's Coffee, Wright's popular North Carolina coffee shop, is named after their kids and employs 40 people with disabilities.
"Creating this has given people a way to interact with people with disabilities that (they) never had before," she said. "This is a safe place where people can test the waters and realize how much more alike we are than different."
Supporters of each Top 10 CNN Hero can vote every day at CNNHeroes.com by logging in via email or Facebook, as well as on Facebook Messenger by messaging VOTE to the CNN Heroes Facebook page. Vote up to 10 times a day, per method, every day through Tuesday, December 12, at midnight PT.
Each Top 10 Hero will also receive free organizational training from the Annenberg Foundation, a leading supporter of nonprofits worldwide. They will participate in a customized version of the Annenberg Alchemy program, which offers practical guidance to help strengthen organizations for long-term success.

Meet five young people changing the world - CNN

Meet five young people changing the world