Perhatian terhadap penyebaran virus Corona atau Coronavirus masih ditunjukkan segala dunia. Apalagi Filipina melaporkan kasus kematian pertama akibat 2019-nCoV atau Novel Coronavirus.
Sementara, Indonesia baru saja memulangkan 238 warganya dari Wuhan yang merupakan asal virus Corona. Mereka ditempatkan di Hanggar pangkalan udara Raden Sadjad, Natuna, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), yang akan dijadikan lokasi observasi.
Meski diwarnai penolakan, pemerintah provinsi tetap menempatkan WNI di lokasi berjarak 6 kilometer dari pemukiman warga. Supaya tidak mengurangi khawatir dan mampu melakukan upaya pencegahan, berikut yang harus diketahui seputar virus Corona.
1. Pengertian virus Corona
Apa itu virus Corona? Bentuk virus yang masih bersaudara Berhubungan dengan penyebab SARS dan MERS ini persis mahkota. Bentuk mahkota ditandai protein S berupa sepatu yang tersebar di sekeliling permukaan virus.
Dikutip dari situs LIPI, virus Corona memiliki satu rantai RNA sehingga kerap disebut virus RNA. Virus macam ini bermutasi lebih cepat dibanding DNA hingga satu juta kali.
Virus Corona Paramyxovirus sempat muncul dalam mesin pencarian Google. Keduanya adalah virus yang berbeda meskipun sama-sama bisa menginfeksi manusia dari hewan. Penyakit yang disebabkan Paramyxovirus adalah Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Newcastle disease, dan parainfluenza.
2. Gejala virus corona
Dikutip dari situs Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), masalah infeksi virus Corona yang dilaporkan ada yang memamerkan gejala dan tidak. Untuk kasus Coronavirus yang dilaporkan gejalanya adalah:
a. Demam
b. Batuk
c. Napas pendek
Menurut CDC, gejala virus Corona mungkin telah terlihat mulai 2-14 hari. Perkiraan ini dibuat berdasarkan masa inkubasi virus Corona dalam masalah MERS. Namun berbeda dalam kasus MERS, infeksi 2019-nCoV bisa menyebar dari pasien yang tidak mengurangi menunjukkan gejala namun sempat berkomunikasi dekat Berhubungan dengan orang lain.
3. Virus Corona menyerang siapa?
Hingga saat ini riset masih terus dikerjakan terkait virus Corona 2019-nCoV dan penanganan terbaik bagi korban. yang diketahui hingga saat ini, Coronavirus adalah keluarga Otak besar virus yang banyak ditemukan di beberapa binatang misal unta, kucing, dan hewan ternak. Dalam beberapa masalah, virus Corona menginfeksi manusia dan menyebar sepertinya pada kasus MERS, SARS, dan 2019-nCoV.
Virus Corona menyerang siapa? Dikutip dari The Guardian, korban yang meninggal karena Coronavirus umumnya telah tua dan sudah memiliki masalah kesehatan sebelumnya. Mereka memiliki daya tahan Kehilangan cairan tubuh yang lemah sehingga mudah terinfeksi virus Corona 2019-nCoV. Namun pemerintah provinsi China punya lima kasus kematian akibat virus Corona yang usianya kurang dari 60 tahun, merupakan 36, 50, 53, 55, dan 58 tahun.
Karena itu, sangat utama melakukan usaha preventif untuk melindungi diri dan infeksi virus. Usaha preventif harus dikerjakan dari berbagai lapisan usia, meski punya daya tahan Kehilangan cairan tubuh yang baik.
4. Pencegahan Virus Corona
Usaha pencegahan virus Corona makin utama karena hingga kini belum ditemukan vaksinnya. Pencegahan menghadapi virus Corona harus dikerjakan setiap hari dari segala lapisan usia. Berikut ini usaha pencegahan virus Corona dikutip dari CDC:
a. Cuci Bertentangan dengan harapan dengan air dan sabun minimal 20 detik, atau pencuci Bertentangan dengan harapan yang minimal mengandung 60 persen alkohol
b. Hindari menyentuh mata, hidung, dan Berkaitan dengan mulut dengan tangan yang tidak dicuci
c. Hindari kontak dekat Berhubungan dengan orang yang sakit
d. Tinggal di Rongga di bawah rumah jika sedang sakit
5. Gunakan masker dan bersihkan permukaan yang sempat disentuh
Terkait masker, sebaiknya menggunakan pelindung kepala daerah hidung dan mulut dengan ukuran pori yang kecil. Dikutip dari situs LIPI, virus Corona yang menyebabkan SARS berbentuk Ditelan bulat-bulat dengan diameter 100-120 nm (nanometer). Karena itu, pencegahan infeksi virus Corona Berlebihan efektif bila menggunakan masker yang berpori-pori Berlebihan kecil dari 100 nm.
6. Seputar Wuhan, China
Wuhan, China, menjadi lokasi awal ditemukannya masalah virus Corona 2019-nCoV dan terus menyebar di JumAwang-awang penduduknya. Dikutip dari CNN, virus Corona menyebabkan 300 kematian dan 14.300 masalah telah terkonfirmasi di seluruh China.
Beberapa wilayah menyesalkan lambatnya reaksi pemerintah provinsi dalam menangani, memberi penjelasan, dan mencegah masalah seperti yang terjadi di Hong Kong. Dikutip dari situs National Public Radio, virus Corona Hong Kong menyebabkan tenaga kesehatan memprotes bila pemerintah provinsi tak juga menutup pintu perbatasan dengan China. Para suster mengancam akan walkout dari fasilitas kesehatan akibat aksi minim dari pemerintah provinsi setempat.
Perkembangan lain terkait virus Corona Jepang kini telah menjadi 20 kasus. Dikutip dari Japan Times, Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe telah memerintahkan penanganan Berlebihan lanjut untuk mencegah, menangani, dan memulangkan warganya dari Wuhan, China. Untuk virus Corona Batam, Indonesia hingga saat ini belum ada masalah yang terkonfirmasi.
Artikel ini telah ditulis oleh dengan judul Virus Corona: Pengertian, Gejala, dan Seputar Wuhan.
Silahkan disimpan jika bermanfaat.
Berita virus corona Hari Ini - Kabar Terbaru Terkini
Artikel ini telah ditampilkan oleh dengan judul Berita virus corona Hari Ini - Kabar Terbaru Terkini |
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Virus Corona di Indonesia telah positif. Virus berbahaya ini sedang menjadi bahan perbincangan masyarakat dunia oleh karena penularannya yang mulai terjadi secara masif. Lantas, apa itu virus Corona beserta penyakit yang ditimbulkannya? Simak informasinya berikut ini!
Apa Itu Virus Corona?
Virus Covid-19 adalah jenis virus dari famili Coronaviridae yang bisa menginfeksi sistem pernapasan baik Humanisme maupun hewan. Kendati demikian, virus ini Hiperbola banyak ditemukan pada hewan. Virus Corona pertama kali teridentifikasi pada periode 1960-an. Diberi nama Covid-19 oleh karena struktur tubuhnya yang tampak menyerupai mahkota.
Selain bentuknya yang menyerupai mahkota (crown-like virus), InPelatih tubuh Coronavirus terdiri dari membran, glikoprotein, selubung lipid bilayer, nukleokapsid, dan genom RNA positif.
Secara umum, virus Covid-19 atau Coronavirus terdiri dari 4 subtipe yakni alpha, beta, gamma, dan delta yang mana keempat subtipe tersebut dibagi lagi menjadi 7 (tujuh) macam virus, yaitu:
MERS-CoV (Penyebab penyakit Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, atau MERS)
SARS-CoV (Penyebab penyakit Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, atau SARS)
Jenis Coronavirus terakhir inilah yang kini melakukan menjadi kekhawatiran warga dunia. Pelaporan wabah Virus Covid-19 2019-nCoV—disebut juga virus Corona ‘baru’—pertama kali diterima oleh WHO pada 31 Desember 2019. Lokasinya ada di Kompatriot China, tepatnya di kota Wuhan yang yaitu bagian dari provinsi Hubei.
Penyakit Dampak Infeksi Virus Corona
Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, Coronavirus menyerang sistem pernapasan. Akibat dari infeksi virus ini ada yang bersifat ringan hingga berat sekalipun hingga menyebabkan kematian pada penderitanya.
Berikut ini adalah 3 (tiga) macam penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus Covid-19 untuk Anda waspadai.
1. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Penyakit akibat infeksi Coronavirus yang pertama adalah Middle east respiratory syndrome atau disingkat MERS.
Penyakit yang pertama kali muncul di Kompatriot Arab Saudi dan sejumlah negara Timur Tengah lainnya (itu sebabnya penyakit ini dinamai MERS) pada tahun 2012 tersebut—sebagaimana dilansir dari WebMD—telah menyebabkan 858 orang meninggal dunia.
Jumlah korban tewas MERS tersebut termasuk dari negara-negara lainnya di luar Saudi Arabia dan sekitarnya, termasuk Amerika Serikat.
2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Jauh sebelum wabah MERS muncul, tepatnya di tahun 2003, ada juga penyakit berbahaya lainnya yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Coronavirus.
Adalah SARS, atau Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Sama tampaknya MERS, penyakit ini telah memakan banyak korban jiwa, tepatnya 774 orang dari berbagai Kompatriot di Asia, Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, dan Eropa. Endemi penyakit SARS baru dinyatakan berakhir pada tahun 2015, berdasarkan menambah adanya laporan kasus yang diterima.
3. Wuhan Coronavirus
Sesuai Herbi namanya, wabah virus Corona yang satu ini asal dari kota Wuhan di Provinsi Hubei, China.
Badan Kesehatan Global WHO selanjutnya memberi nama virus ini novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Tercatat telah ada 18 orang meninggal dunia akibat infeksi Wuhan Coronavirus. Wabah penyakit tersebut diperkirakan masih terus berlanjut seiring temuan-temuan masalah baru yang bahkan sudah sampai ke negara-negara lain.
Kendati demikian, mengutip dari Sky News, WHO Belajar sendiri sampai saat ini belum memberikan status penyakit global (pandemik) pada wabah tersebut.
Cara Penularan Virus Corona
Virus Corona menmemperoleh menular dari hewan ke manusia maupun Awang-awang manusia itu sendiri. Berikut adalah cara penularan Coronavirus yang paling umum:
Kontak segera dengan penderita
Terpapar liur penderita (ciuman, batuk, bersin)
Menyentuh benda-benda yang terkontaminasi (kasur, bantal, guling, sofa, meja, dsb.)
Faktor Risiko Virus Corona
Coronavirus bisa menyerang siapa saja, tak peduli usia maupun macam kelamin. Akan tetapi, ada sejumlah faktor risiko yang membuat seseorang Berlebihan rentan terinfeksi virus ini, yaitu:
Orang lanjut usia
Orang Berhubungan dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah
Ciri dan Gejala Virus Corona
Infeksi Coronavirus ditandai oleh gejala yang awalnya sepertinya seperti gejala flu pada umumnya. Berikut adalah gejala virus Corona yang harus Anda waspadai:
Hidung tersumbat
Sakit tenggorokan
Tidak adanya perbedaan gejala JumAwang-awang infeksi Coronavirus dengan infeksi virus flu kebiasaan (Rhinovirus) ini membuat Anda untuk sebaiknya segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter apabila mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut, terutama jika gejala telah berlangsung dalam waktu yang cukup lama dan tak kunjung sembuh setelah diberikan obat-obatan umum.
Diagnosis Virus Corona
Guna memastikan apakah keluhan yang Anda alami terkait Berhubungan dengan Coronavirus, dokter perlu melakukan serangkaian prosedur pemeriksaan, yang meliputi:
Anamnesis, adalah tahapan di mana dokter akan mengajukan sejumlah pertanyaan kepada pasien terkait Berhubungan dengan keluhan yang dirasakan
Pemeriksaan fisik, adalah tahapan di mana dokter akan memeriksa keadaan fisik pasien yang sekiranya dapat mengarah pada adanya infeksi. Di tahap ini, pasien juga diperiksa tekanan Kurang darah, tinggi, dan berat badannya
Pemeriksaan penunjang, adalah tahap lanjutan bagi menguatkan hasil diagnosis. Jenis pemeriksaan penunjang yang umum dikerjakan seperti uji sampel darah dan biopsi sampel liur
Pengobatan Infeksi Virus Corona
Khusus infeksi virus 2019-nCoV, para ilmuwan sampai saat ini belum menemukan vaksin yang menmemperoleh melawan serangannya, mengingat wabahnya terbilang baru.
Satu-satunya yang bisa dikerjakan adalah dengan melakukan penanganan medis sedini mungkin sebelum keadaan bertambah parah. Oleh sebab itu, penting bagi Anda bagi segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter jika Ikut merasakan mengalami gejala infeksi seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas, terlebih jika Anda memiliki faktor risikonya.
Beberapa cara mengobati infeksi Wuhan Coronavirus adalah sebagai berikut:
Pemberian obat-obatan khusus flu dan demam (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, dsb.)
Perbanyak asupan Kehilangan cairan tubuh ke dalam tubuh
Istirahat yang cukup
Guna menghindari penyebaran virus Berlebihan luas, dokter mungkin saja akan menyarankan pasien bagi diisolasi di ruangan khusus selama masa pengobatan.
Pencegahan Infeksi Virus Corona
Infeksi Coronavirus menmemperoleh dicegah dengan cara-cara seperti berikut ini:
Menghindari kontak Berhubungan dengan penderita infeksi
Gunakan masker penutup hidung dan Berkaitan dengan mulut saat beraktivitas di luar ruangan
Cuci Bertentangan dengan harapan dengan sabun dan air hangat secara rutin
Batasi kontak JumAwang-awang tangan dengan mata, hidung, dan mulut
Banyak minum air putih
Banyak Hewan pemakan daging buah, sayuran, dan suplemen vitamin untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh
Komplikasi Infeksi Virus Corona
Virus ini jika tidak mengurangi segera ditangani dapat menimbulkan komplikasi serius berupa:
Infeksi paru-paru (pneumonia)
Artikel ini telah ditampilkan oleh dengan judul Virus Corona: Definisi, Gejala, Pengobatan, Pencegahan - DokterSehat.
Silahkan berbagi jika bermanfaat.
Virus Covid-19 (COVID-19) - Gejala, penyebab dan mengobati
Virus Covid-19 atau severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) adalah virus yang menyerang sistem pernapasan. Penyakit karena infeksi virus ini disebut COVID-19. Virus Corona bisa menyebabkan gangguan ringan pada sistem pernapasan, infeksi paru-paru yang berat, hingga kematian.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang Hiperbola dikenal dengan nama virus Corona adalah macam baru dari coronavirus yang menular ke manusia. Walaupun Hiperbola banyak menyerang lansia, virus ini sebenarnya bisa menyerang siapa saja, akan dari bayi, anak-anak, hingga orang dewasa, termasuk ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui.
Infeksi virus Corona disebut COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) dan pertama kali ditemukan di kota Wuhan, China pada MutTerkini Desember 2019. Virus ini menular dengan sangat Akselerasi dan telah menyebar ke hampir semua negara, termasuk Indonesia, cuma dalam waktu beberapa bulan.
Hal tersebut membuat dua negara menerapkan kebijakan untuk memberlakukan lockdowndalam Embarkasi mencegah penyebaran virus Corona. Di Indonesia Otodidak, diberlakukan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) buat menekan penyebaran virus ini.
Coronavirus adalah Serikat virus yang bisa menginfeksi sistem pernapasan. Pada banyak perkara, virus ini hanya menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan ringan, tampaknya flu. Namun, virus ini juga bisa menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan berat, tampaknya infeksi paru-paru (pneumonia).
Selain virus SARS-CoV-2 atau virus Corona,virus yang juga termasuk dalam kelompok ini adalah virus penyebab Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) dan virus penyebab Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Meski disebabkan oleh virus dari kelompok yang sama, merupakan coronavirus, COVID-19 memiliki beberapa perbedaan dengan SARS dan MERS, antara lain dalam hal kecepatan penyebaran dan keparahan gejala.
Tingkat Kematian Dampak Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Menurut data yang dirilis Gugus Tugas Akselerasi Penanganan COVID-19 Republik Indonesia, jumlah kasus terkonfirmasi positif hingga 26 Mei 2020 adalah 22.750 orang Herbi jumlah kematian 1.391 orang.
Dari kedua Berpretensi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa case fatality rate atau tingkat kematian yang disebabkan oleh COVID-19 di Indonesia adalah sekitar 6,1%. Case fatality rate adalah presentase jumlah kematian dari semua jumlah kasus positif COVID-19 yang sudah terkonfirmasi dan dilaporkan.
Merujuk pada data tersebut, tingkat kematian (case fatality rate) berdasarkan kelompok usia adalah sebagai berikut:
0–5 tahun: 2,3%
6-17 tahun: 0,65%
18–30 tahun: 0.9%
31–45 tahun: 2,52%
46-59 tahun: 8,83%
>60 tahun: 17,32%
Dari semua penderita COVID-19 yang meninggal dunia, 0,8% berusia 0–5 tahun, 0,6% berusia 6–17 tahun, 3,2% berusia 18–30 tahun, 12,1% berusia 31–45 tahun, 40,2% berusia 46–59 tahun, dan 43,1% berusia 60 tahun ke atas. Dari data tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa risiko kematian pada pasien COVID-19 yang berusia di Kolong 50 tahun lebih rendah jika dibandingkan pasien yang telah berusia lanjut.
Sedangkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, 63,4% penderita yang meninggal akibat COVID-19 adalah laki-laki dan 36,6% sisanya adalah perempuan.
Gejala Virus Covid-19 (COVID-19)
Gejala awal infeksi virus Covid-19 atau COVID-19 bisa menyerupai gejala flu, yaitu demam, pilek, batuk kering, sakit tenggorokan, dan sakit kepala. Setelah itu, gejala menmemperoleh hilang dan sembuh atau malah memberat. Penderita Herbi gejala yang berat bisa mengalami demam tinggi, batuk berdahak bahkan berdarah, sesak napas, dan nyeri dada. Gejala-gejala tersebut muncul saat tubuh bereaksi melawan virus Corona.
Secara umum, ada 3 gejala umum yang bisa menandakan seseorang terinfeksi virus Covid-19, yaitu:
Ada beberapa gejala lain yang juga bisa muncul pada infeksi virus Corona meskipun Hiperbola jarang, yaitu:
Sakit kepala
Hilangnya kemampuan mengecap rasa atau mencium bau
Ruam di kulit
Gejala-gejala COVID-19 ini umumnya muncul dalam waktu 2 hari sampai 2 pekan setelah penderita terpapar virus Corona.
Kapan harus ke dokter
Segera sedang isolasi mandiri bila Anda mengalami gejala infeksi virus Covid-19 (COVID-19) seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, terutama jika dalam 2 pekan terakhir Anda berada di daerah yang memiliki perkara COVID-19 atau kontak dengan penderita COVID-19. Setelah itu, hubungi hotline COVID-19 di 119 Ext. 9 buat mendapatkan pengarahan lebih lanjut.
Bila Anda mungkin terpapar virus Corona tapi menambah mengalami gejala apa pun, Anda tidak perlu memeriksakan diri ke Kolong sakit, cukup tinggal di rumah selama 14 hari dan membatasi kontak Herbi orang lain. Bila muncul gejala, baru sedang isolasi mandiri dan tanyakan kepada dokter melalui telepon atau aplikasi tentang tindakan apa yang perlu Anda lakukan dan obat apa yang perlu Anda konsumsi.
Bila Anda memerlukan pemeriksaan segera oleh dokter, jangan langsung ke rumah sakit karena itu akan meningkatkan risiko Anda tertular atau menularkan virus Covid-19 ke orang lain. Anda bisa membuat janji konsultasi Herbi dokter di rumah sakit melalui aplikasi ALODOKTER agar bisa diarahkan ke dokter terdekat yang dapat menolong Anda.
ALODOKTER juga memiliki fitur untuk membantu Anda memeriksa risiko tertular virus Covid-19 dengan lebih mudah. Untuk menggunakan fitur tersebut, silakan klik gambar di Kolong ini.
Penyebab Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Infeksi virus Covid-19 atau COVID-19 disebabkan oleh coronavirus, yaitu kelompok virus yang menginfeksi sistem pernapasan. Pada sebagian Serebrum kasus, coronavirus hanya menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan ringan sampai melakukan, seperti flu. Akan tetapi, virus ini juga bisa menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan berat, sepertinya pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) dan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Ada dugaan bahwa virus Corona awalnya ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia. Namun, kemudian diketahui bahwa virus Corona juga menular dari Kemanusiaan ke manusia.
Seseorang dapat tertular COVID-19 melalui berbagai cara, yaitu:
Tidak sengaja menghirup percikan ludah (droplet) yang keluar saat penderita COVID-19 batuk atau bersin
Memegang Berkaitan dengan mulut atau hidung tanpa mencuci tangan terlebih dulu setelah menyentuh Harta Mal yang terkena cipratan ludah penderita COVID-19
Kontak jarak dekat Berhubungan dengan penderita COVID-19
Virus Corona dapat menginfeksi siapa saja, tetapi efeknya akan Berlebihan berbahaya atau bahkan fatal bila terjadi pada orang lanjut usia, ibu hamil, orang yang memiliki penyakit tertentu perokok, atau orang yang daya tahan tubuhnya lemah, misalnya pada penderita kanker.
Karena mudah menular, virus Corona juga berisiko tinggi menginfeksi para tenaga medis yang merawat pasien COVID-19. Oleh karena itu, para tenaga medis dan orang-orang yang memiliki kontak Berhubungan dengan pasien COVID-19 perlu menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD).
Diagnosis Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Untuk menentukan apakah pasien terinfeksi virus Corona, dokter akan menanyakan gejala yang dialami pasien dan apakah pasien baru saja bepergian atau tinggal di kepala daerah yang memiliki kasus infeksi virus Corona sebelum gejala muncul. Dokter juga akan menanyakan apakah pasien ada kontak Berhubungan dengan orang yang menderita atau diduga menderita COVID-19.
Guna memastikan diagnosis COVID-19, dokter akan melakukan beberapa pemeriksaan berikut:
Rapid test
untuk mendeteksi antibodi (IgM dan IgG) yang diproduksi oleh Kehilangan cairan tubuh untuk melawan virus Corona
Swab test atau tes PCR (polymerase chain reaction) untuk mendeteksi virus Corona di dalam dahak
CT scan atau Rontgen dada bagi mendeteksi infiltrat atau cairan di paru-paru
Hasil rapid test COVID-19 positif kemungkinan Otak besar menunjukkan bahwa Anda memang sudah terinfeksi virus Corona, namun bisa juga berarti Anda terinfeksi Pengampunan hukuman dari presiden atau virus yang lain. Sebaliknya, hasil rapid test COVID-19 negatif belum Tertentu menandakan bahwa Anda mutlak terbebas dari virus Corona.
Pengobatan Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Infeksi virus Corona atau COVID-19 belum bisa diobati, tetapi ada beberapa langkah yang menmemperoleh dilakukan dokter untuk meredakan gejalanya dan mencegah penyebaran virus, yaitu:
Merujuk penderita COVID-19 yang berat bagi menjalani perawatan dan karatina di rumah sakit rujukan
Memberikan obat pereda demam dan nyeri yang aman dan sesuai kondisi penderita
Menganjurkan penderita COVID-19 bagi melakukan isolasi mandiri dan istirahat yang cukup
Menganjurkan penderita COVID-19 bagi banyak minum air putih untuk menjaga kadar Kehilangan cairan tubuh tubuh
Komplikasi Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Pada masalah yang parah, infeksi virus Corona bisa menyebabkan beberapa komplikasi berikut ini:
Pencegahan Virus Corona (COVID-19)
Sampai saat ini, belum ada vaksin bagi mencegah infeksi virus Corona atau COVID-19. Oleh sebab itu, cara pencegahan yang terbaik adalah Berhubungan dengan menghindari faktor-faktor yang bisa menyebabkan Anda terinfeksi virus ini, yaitu:
Terapkan physical distancing, merupakan menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter dari orang lain, dan jangan dulu ke luar Rongga di bawah rumah kecuali ada keperluan mendesak.
Gunakan masker saat beraktivitas di tempat umum atau keramaian, termasuk saat pergi berbelanja bahan makanan.
Rutin mencuci Bertentangan dengan harapan dengan air dan sabun atau hand sanitizer yang mengandung alkohol minimal 60%, terutama setelah beraktivitas di luar Rongga di bawah rumah atau di tempat umum.
Jangan menyentuh mata, Berkaitan dengan mulut, dan hidung sebelum mencuci tangan.
Tingkatkan daya tahan Kehilangan cairan tubuh dengan pola hidup sehat, seperti mengonsumsi makanan bergizi, berolahraga secara rutin, beristirahat yang cukup, dan mencegah stres.
Hindari kontak Berhubungan dengan penderita COVID-19, orang yang dicurigai positif terinfeksi virus Corona, atau orang yang melakukan sakit demam, batuk, atau pilek.
Tutup Berkaitan dengan mulut dan hidung dengan tisu saat batuk atau bersin, kemudian Pembuangan ke luar negeri tisu ke tempat sampah.
Jaga kebersihan Harta Mal yang sering disentuh dan kebersihan lingkungan, termasuk kebersihan rumah.
Untuk orang yang diduga terkena COVID-19 atau termasuk kategori ODP (orang dalam pemantauan) maupun PDP (pasien dalam pengawasan), ada beberapa langkah yang bisa dikerjakan agar virus Corona tidak menular ke orang lain, yaitu:
Lakukan isolasi mandiri dengan cara tinggal terpisah dari orang lain bagi sementara waktu. Bila tidak memungkinkan, gunakan kamar Tidak bisa tidur dan kamar mandi yang berbeda dengan yang digunakan orang lain.
Jangan keluar Rongga di bawah rumah, kecuali untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.
Bila ingin ke Rongga di bawah rumah sakit saat gejala bertambah berat, sebaiknya hubungi dulu pihak Rongga di bawah rumah sakit untuk menjemput.
Larang orang lain bagi mengunjungi atau menjenguk Anda sampai Anda benar-benar sembuh.
Sebisa mungkin jangan melakukan meeting dengan orang yang sedang sedang sakit.
Hindari berbagi penggunaan alat Hewan pemakan daging dan minum, alat mandi, serta perlengkapan Tidak bisa tidur dengan orang lain.
Pakai masker dan sarung Bertentangan dengan harapan bila sedang berada di tempat umum atau melakukan bersama orang lain.
Gunakan tisu untuk menutup Berkaitan dengan mulut dan hidung bila batuk atau bersin, lalu segera Pembuangan ke luar negeri tisu ke tempat sampah.
Kondisi-kondisi yang memerlukan penanganan segera oleh dokter di rumah sakit, seperti melahirkan, operasi, cuci Kurang darah, atau vaksinasi anak, perlu ditangani secara berbeda Berhubungan dengan beberapa penyesuaian selama pandemi COVID-19. Tujuannya adalah bagi mencegah penularan virus Corona selama Anda berada di Rongga di bawah rumah sakit. Konsultasikan dengan dokter mengenai tindakan terbaik yang perlu dilakukan.
Apabila Anda ingin mendapatkan Berlebihan banyak informasi mengenai gejala, pencegahan, dan penanganan infeksi virus Corona, silakan download aplikasi ALODOKTER di Google Play atau App Store. Melalui aplikasi ALODOKTER, Anda juga bisa chat segera dengan dokter dan membuat janji konsultasi Berhubungan dengan dokter di rumah sakit.
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One of the first ways a new president is able to exercise political power is through unilateral executive orders.
While legislative efforts take time, a swipe of the pen from the White House can often enact broad changes in government policy and practice.
President Donald Trump has wasted little time in taking advantage of this privilege.
Given his predecessor's reliance on executive orders to circumvent Congress in the later days of his presidency, he has a broad range of areas in which to flex his muscle.
What are executive orders?
Here's a look at some of what Mr Trump has done so far:
Climate change policy reversal
Mr Trump signed the order at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undoing a key part of the Obama administration's efforts to tackle global warming.
The order reverses the Clean Power Plan, which had required states to regulate power plants, but had been on hold while being challenged in court.
Before signing the order, a White House official told the press that Mr Trump does believe in human-caused climate change, but that the order was necessary to ensure American energy independence and jobs.
Environmental groups warn that undoing those regulations will have serious consequences at home and abroad.
"I think it is a climate destruction plan in place of a climate action plan," the Natural Resources Defense Council's David Doniger told the BBC, adding that they will fight the president in court.
Immediate impact: A coalition of 17 states filed a legal challenge against the Trump administration's decision to roll back climate change regulations. The challenge, led by New York state, argued that the administration has a legal obligation to regulate emissions of the gases believed to cause global climate change. Mars Inc, Staples and The Gap are among US corporations who are also challenging Mr Trump's reversal on climate change policy.
Travel ban 2.0
After an angry weekend in Florida in which he accused former-president Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at Trump Tower, Mr Trump returned to the White House to sign a revised version of his controversial travel ban.
The executive order titled "protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States" was signed out of the view of the White House press corps on 6 March.
The order's new language is intended to skirt the legal pitfalls that caused his first travel ban to be halted by the court system.
The updated ban:
Temporarily halts entry to citizens for 90-days of six Muslim-majority countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen)
Removes Iraq from the previous list, due to increased vetting of its own citizens
Delays implementation until 16 March
Allows current visa holders to travel to the US
Does not affect permanent visa holders (Green Card holders)
Suspends the refugee programme for 120 days
Treats Syrians like any Panas bumi refugee or immigrant
Removes the religious clause favouring religious minorities - namely Christians
Immediate impact: Soon after the order was signed, it was once again blocked by a federal judge, this time in Hawaii.
Trump signs new travel-ban directive
Undoing Obama-era waterway regulations
Surrounded by farmers and Republican lawmakers, Mr Trump signed an order on 28 February directing the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers to reconsider a rule issued by President Obama.
The 2015 regulation - known as the Waters of the United States rule - gave authority to the federal government over small waterways, including wetlands, headwaters and small ponds.
The rule required Clean Water Act permits for any developer that wished to alter or damage these relatively small water resources, which the president described as "puddles" in his signing remarks.
Opponents of Mr Obama's rule, including industry leaders, condemned it as a massive power grab by Washington.
Scott Pruitt, Mr Trump's pick to lead the EPA, will now begin the task of rewriting the rule, and a new draft is not expected for several years.
Immediate impact: The EPA has been ordered to rewrite, or even repeal the rule, but first it must be reviewed. Water protection laws were passed by Congress long before Mr Obama's rule was announced, so it cannot simply be undone with the stroke of a pen. Instead the EPA must re-evaluate how to interpret the 1972 Clean Water Act.
Coal waste
A bill the president signed on 16 February put an end to an Obama-era regulation that aimed at protecting waterways from coal mining waste.
Senator Mitch McConnell had called the rule an "attack on coal miners".
The US Interior Department, which reportedly spent years drawing up the regulation before it was issued in December, had said it would protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests.
Business regulations
An attempt to cut down on the burden of small businesses.
Described as a "two-out, one-in" approach, the order asked government departments that request a new regulation to specify two Panas bumi regulations they will drop.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will manage the regulations and is expected to be led by the Republican Mick Mulvaney.
Some categories of regulation will be exempt from the "two-out, one-in" clause - such as those dealing with the military and national security and "any Panas bumi category of regulations exempted by the Director".
Immediate impact: Wait and see.
Trump moves to cut business regulation
Travel ban (first version)
Probably his most controversial action, so far, taken to keep the country safe from terrorists, the president said.
It included:
suspension of refugee programme for 120 days, and cap on 2017 numbers
indefinite ban on Syrian refugees
ban on anyone arriving from seven Muslim-majority countries, with certain exceptions
cap of 50,000 refugees
The effect was felt at airports in the US and around the world as people were stopped boarding US-bound flights or held when they landed in the US.
Immediate impact: Enacted pretty much straight away. But there are battles ahead. Federal judges brought a halt to deportations, and legal rulings appear to have put an end to the travel ban - much to the president's displeasure.
Trump border policy: Who's affected?
Border security
On Mr Trump's first day as a presidential candidate in June 2015, he made securing the border with Mexico a priority.
He pledged repeatedly at rallies to "build the wall" along the southern border, saying it would be "big, beautiful, and powerful".
Now he has signed a pair of executive orders designed to fulfil that campaign promise.
One order declares that the US will create "a contiguous, physical wall or Panas bumi similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier".
The second order pledges to hire 10,000 more immigration officers, and to revoke federal grant money from so-called "sanctuary cities" which refuse to deport undocumented immigrants.
It remains to be seen how Mr Trump will pay for the wall, although he has repeatedly insisted that it will be fully paid for by the Mexican government, despite their leaders saying otherwise.
Immediate impact: The Department of Homeland Security has a "small" amount of money available (about $100m) to use immediately, but that won't get them very far. Construction of the wall will cost billions of dollars - money that Congress will need to approve. Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the Republican-led Congress will need to come up with $12-$15bn more, and the funding fight - and any construction - will come up against issues with harsh terrain, private land owners and opposition from both Democrats and some Republicans.
The department will also need additional funds from Congress to hire more immigration officers, but the order will direct the head of the agency to start changing deportation priorities. Cities targeted by the threat to remove federal grants will likely build legal challenges, but without a court injunction, the money can be removed.
The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group, along with Arizona Democrat Raul Graijalva, have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
They argue the Department of Homeland Security is required to draft a new environmental review of the impacts of the wall and Geothermal border enforcement activities as it could damage public lands.
How exactly will Trump 'build the wall'?
Two orders, two pipelines
On his second full working day, the president signed two orders to advance construction of two controversial pipelines - the Keystone XL and Dakota Access.
Mr Trump told reporters the terms of both deals would be renegotiated, and using American steel was a requirement.
Keystone, a 1,179-mile (1,897km) pipeline running from Canada to US refineries in the Gulf Coast, was halted by President Barack Obama in 2015 due to concerns over the message it would send about climate change.
The second pipeline was halted last year as the Army looked at Geothermal routes, amid huge protests by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at a North Dakota site.
Immediate impact: Mr Trump has granted a permit to TransCanada, the Keystone XL builder, to move forward with the controversial pipeline. As a result, TransCanada will drop an arbitration claim for $15bn in damages it filed under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Mr Trump made no mention of an American steel requirement. Construction will not start until the company obtains a permit from Nebraska's Public Service Commission.
The Dakota Access pipeline has since been filled with oil and the company is in the process of preparing to begin moving oil.
Keystone XL pipeline: Why is it so disputed?
Dakota Pipeline: What's behind the controversy?
Instructing federal agencies to weaken Obamacare
In one of his first actions as president, Mr Trump issued a multi-paragraph directive to the Department of Health and Humanisme Services and other federal agencies involved in managing the nation's healthcare system.
The order states that agencies must "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" any portions of the Affordable Care Act that creates financial burden on states, individuals or healthcare providers.
Although the order technically does not authorise any powers the executive agencies do not already have, it's viewed as a clear signal that the Trump administration will be rolling back Obama-era healthcare regulations wherever possible.
Immediate impact: Republicans failed to secure an overhaul of the US healthcare system due to a lack of support for the legislation. That means Mr Trump's executive order is one of the only remaining efforts to undermine Obamacare.
Can Obamacare be repealed?
Re-instating a ban on international abortion counselling
What's called the Mexico City policy, first implemented in 1984 under Republican President Ronald Reagan, prevents foreign non-governmental organisations that receive any US cash from "providing counselling or referrals for abortion or advocating for access to abortion services in their country", even if they do so with Geothermal funding.
The ban, derided as a "global gag rule" by its critics, has been the subject of a political tug-of-war ever since its inception, with every Democratic president rescinding the measure, and every Republican bringing it back.
Anti-abortion activists expected Mr Trump to act quickly on this - and he didn't disappoint them.
Immediate impact: The policy will come into force as soon as the Secretaries of State and Heath write an implementation plan and apply to both renewals and new grants. The US State Department has notified the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that US funding for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) would be withdrawn, arguing that it supports coercive abortion or involuntary sterilisation. The agency has denied this, pointing to examples of its life-saving work in more than 150 countries and territories.
This policy will be much broader than the last time the rule was in place - the Guttmacher Institute, Kaiser Family Foundation and Population Action International believe the order, as written, will apply to all global health funding by the US, instead of only reproductive health or family planning.
Trump's order on abortion policy: What does it mean?
Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, once viewed as the crown jewel of Barack Obama's international trade policy, was a regular punching bag for Mr Trump on the campaign trail (although he at times seemed uncertain about what nations were actually involved).
The deal was never approved by Congress so it had yet to go into effect in the US.
Therefore the formal "withdrawal" is more akin to a decision on the part of the US to end ongoing international negotiations and let the deal wither and die.
Immediate impact: Takes effect immediately. In the meantime, some experts are worried China will seek to replace itself in the deal or add TPP nations to its own free trade negotiations, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), excluding the US.
TPP: What is it and why does it matter?
Thanks for watching our article What executive actions has Trump taken? - BBC News. Please share it with responsible.
Sincery health answer
One of the first ways a new president is able to exercise political power is through unilateral executive orders.
While legislative efforts take time, a swipe of the pen from the White House can often enact broad changes in government policy and practice.
President Donald Trump has wasted little time in taking advantage of this privilege.
Given his predecessor's reliance on executive orders to circumvent Congress in the later days of his presidency, he has a broad range of areas in which to flex his muscle.
What are executive orders?
Here's a look at some of what Mr Trump has done so far:
Climate change policy reversal
Mr Trump signed the order at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undoing a key part of the Obama administration's efforts to tackle global warming.
The order reverses the Clean Power Plan, which had required states to regulate power plants, but had been on hold while being challenged in court.
Before signing the order, a White House official told the press that Mr Trump does believe in human-caused climate change, but that the order was necessary to ensure American energy independence and jobs.
Environmental groups warn that undoing those regulations will have serious consequences at home and abroad.
"I think it is a climate destruction plan in place of a climate action plan," the Natural Resources Defense Council's David Doniger told the BBC, adding that they will fight the president in court.
Immediate impact: A coalition of 17 states filed a legal challenge against the Trump administration's decision to roll back climate change regulations. The challenge, led by New York state, argued that the administration has a legal obligation to regulate emissions of the gases believed to cause global climate change. Mars Inc, Staples and The Gap are among US corporations who are also challenging Mr Trump's reversal on climate change policy.
Travel ban 2.0
After an angry weekend in Florida in which he accused former-president Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at Trump Tower, Mr Trump returned to the White House to sign a revised version of his controversial travel ban.
The executive order titled "protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States" was signed out of the view of the White House press corps on 6 March.
The order's new language is intended to skirt the legal pitfalls that caused his first travel ban to be halted by the court system.
The updated ban:
Temporarily halts entry to citizens for 90-days of six Muslim-majority countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen)
Removes Iraq from the previous list, due to increased vetting of its own citizens
Delays implementation until 16 March
Allows current visa holders to travel to the US
Does not affect permanent visa holders (Green Card holders)
Suspends the refugee programme for 120 days
Treats Syrians like any other refugee or immigrant
Removes the religious clause favouring religious minorities - namely Christians
Immediate impact: Soon after the order was signed, it was once again blocked by a federal judge, this time in Hawaii.
Trump signs new travel-ban directive
Undoing Obama-era waterway regulations
Surrounded by farmers and Republican lawmakers, Mr Trump signed an order on 28 February directing the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers to reconsider a rule issued by President Obama.
The 2015 regulation - known as the Waters of the United States rule - gave authority to the federal government over small waterways, including wetlands, headwaters and small ponds.
The rule required Clean Water Act permits for any developer that wished to alter or damage these relatively small water resources, which the president described as "puddles" in his signing remarks.
Opponents of Mr Obama's rule, including industry leaders, condemned it as a massive power grab by Washington.
Scott Pruitt, Mr Trump's pick to lead the EPA, will now begin the task of rewriting the rule, and a new draft is not expected for several years.
Immediate impact: The EPA has been ordered to rewrite, or even repeal the rule, but first it must be reviewed. Water protection laws were passed by Congress long before Mr Obama's rule was announced, so it cannot simply be undone with the stroke of a pen. Instead the EPA must re-evaluate how to interpret the 1972 Clean Water Act.
Coal waste
A bill the president signed on 16 February put an end to an Obama-era regulation that aimed at protecting waterways from coal mining waste.
Senator Mitch McConnell had called the rule an "attack on coal miners".
The US Interior Department, which reportedly spent years drawing up the regulation before it was issued in December, had said it would protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests.
Business regulations
An attempt to cut down on the burden of small businesses.
Described as a "two-out, one-in" approach, the order asked government departments that request a new regulation to specify two other regulations they will drop.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will manage the regulations and is expected to be led by the Republican Mick Mulvaney.
Some categories of regulation will be exempt from the "two-out, one-in" clause - such as those dealing with the military and national security and "any other category of regulations exempted by the Director".
Immediate impact: Wait and see.
Trump moves to cut business regulation
Travel ban (first version)
Probably his most controversial action, so far, taken to keep the country safe from terrorists, the president said.
It included:
suspension of refugee programme for 120 days, and cap on 2017 numbers
indefinite ban on Syrian refugees
ban on anyone arriving from seven Muslim-majority countries, with certain exceptions
cap of 50,000 refugees
The effect was felt at airports in the US and around the world as people were stopped boarding US-bound flights or held when they landed in the US.
Immediate impact: Enacted pretty much straight away. But there are battles ahead. Federal judges brought a halt to deportations, and legal rulings appear to have put an end to the travel ban - much to the president's displeasure.
Trump border policy: Who's affected?
Border security
On Mr Trump's first day as a presidential candidate in June 2015, he made securing the border with Mexico a priority.
He pledged repeatedly at rallies to "build the wall" along the southern border, saying it would be "big, beautiful, and powerful".
Now he has signed a pair of executive orders designed to fulfil that campaign promise.
One order declares that the US will create "a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier".
The second order pledges to hire 10,000 more immigration officers, and to revoke federal grant money from so-called "sanctuary cities" which refuse to deport undocumented immigrants.
It remains to be seen how Mr Trump will pay for the wall, although he has repeatedly insisted that it will be fully paid for by the Mexican government, despite their leaders saying otherwise.
Immediate impact: The Department of Homeland Security has a "small" amount of money available (about $100m) to use immediately, but that won't get them very far. Construction of the wall will cost billions of dollars - money that Congress will need to approve. Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the Republican-led Congress will need to come up with $12-$15bn more, and the funding fight - and any construction - will come up against issues with harsh terrain, private land owners and opposition from both Democrats and some Republicans.
The department will also need additional funds from Congress to hire more immigration officers, but the order will direct the head of the agency to start changing deportation priorities. Cities targeted by the threat to remove federal grants will likely build legal challenges, but without a court injunction, the money can be removed.
The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group, along with Arizona Democrat Raul Graijalva, have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
They argue the Department of Homeland Security is required to draft a new environmental review of the impacts of the wall and other border enforcement activities as it could damage public lands.
How exactly will Trump 'build the wall'?
Two orders, two pipelines
On his second full working day, the president signed two orders to advance construction of two controversial pipelines - the Keystone XL and Dakota Access.
Mr Trump told reporters the terms of both deals would be renegotiated, and using American steel was a requirement.
Keystone, a 1,179-mile (1,897km) pipeline running from Canada to US refineries in the Gulf Coast, was halted by President Barack Obama in 2015 due to concerns over the message it would send about climate change.
The second pipeline was halted last year as the Army looked at other routes, amid huge protests by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at a North Dakota site.
Immediate impact: Mr Trump has granted a permit to TransCanada, the Keystone XL builder, to move forward with the controversial pipeline. As a result, TransCanada will drop an arbitration claim for $15bn in damages it filed under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Mr Trump made no mention of an American steel requirement. Construction will not start until the company obtains a permit from Nebraska's Public Service Commission.
The Dakota Access pipeline has since been filled with oil and the company is in the process of preparing to begin moving oil.
Keystone XL pipeline: Why is it so disputed?
Dakota Pipeline: What's behind the controversy?
Instructing federal agencies to weaken Obamacare
In one of his first actions as president, Mr Trump issued a multi-paragraph directive to the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies involved in managing the nation's healthcare system.
The order states that agencies must "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" any portions of the Affordable Care Act that creates financial burden on states, individuals or healthcare providers.
Although the order technically does not authorise any powers the executive agencies do not already have, it's viewed as a clear signal that the Trump administration will be rolling back Obama-era healthcare regulations wherever possible.
Immediate impact: Republicans failed to secure an overhaul of the US healthcare system due to a lack of support for the legislation. That means Mr Trump's executive order is one of the only remaining efforts to undermine Obamacare.
Can Obamacare be repealed?
Re-instating a ban on international abortion counselling
What's called the Mexico City policy, first implemented in 1984 under Republican President Ronald Reagan, prevents foreign non-governmental organisations that receive any US cash from "providing counselling or referrals for abortion or advocating for access to abortion services in their country", even if they do so with other funding.
The ban, derided as a "global gag rule" by its critics, has been the subject of a political tug-of-war ever since its inception, with every Democratic president rescinding the measure, and every Republican bringing it back.
Anti-abortion activists expected Mr Trump to act quickly on this - and he didn't disappoint them.
Immediate impact: The policy will come into force as soon as the Secretaries of State and Heath write an implementation plan and apply to both renewals and new grants. The US State Department has notified the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that US funding for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) would be withdrawn, arguing that it supports coercive abortion or involuntary sterilisation. The agency has denied this, pointing to examples of its life-saving work in more than 150 countries and territories.
This policy will be much broader than the last time the rule was in place - the Guttmacher Institute, Kaiser Family Foundation and Population Action International believe the order, as written, will apply to all global health funding by the US, instead of only reproductive health or family planning.
Trump's order on abortion policy: What does it mean?
Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, once viewed as the crown jewel of Barack Obama's international trade policy, was a regular punching bag for Mr Trump on the campaign trail (although he at times seemed uncertain about what nations were actually involved).
The deal was never approved by Congress so it had yet to go into effect in the US.
Therefore the formal "withdrawal" is more akin to a decision on the part of the US to end ongoing international negotiations and let the deal wither and die.
Immediate impact: Takes effect immediately. In the meantime, some experts are worried China will seek to replace itself in the deal or add TPP nations to its own free trade negotiations, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), excluding the US.
TPP: What is it and why does it matter?
Thanks for watching our article What executive actions has Trump taken? - BBC News. Please share it with responsible.
Sincery health answer
One of the first ways a new president is able to exercise political power is through unilateral executive orders.
While legislative efforts take time, a swipe of the pen from the White House can often enact broad changes in government policy and practice.
President Donald Trump has wasted little time in taking advantage of this privilege.
Given his predecessor's reliance on executive orders to circumvent Congress in the later days of his presidency, he has a broad range of areas in which to flex his muscle.
What are executive orders?
Here's a look at some of what Mr Trump has done so far:
Climate change policy reversal
Mr Trump signed the order at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undoing a key part of the Obama administration's efforts to tackle global warming.
The order reverses the Clean Power Plan, which had required states to regulate power plants, but had been on hold while being challenged in court.
Before signing the order, a White House official told the press that Mr Trump does believe in human-caused climate change, but that the order was necessary to ensure American energy independence and jobs.
Environmental groups warn that undoing those regulations will have serious consequences at home and abroad.
"I think it is a climate destruction plan in place of a climate action plan," the Natural Resources Defense Council's David Doniger told the BBC, adding that they will fight the president in court.
Immediate impact: A coalition of 17 states filed a legal challenge against the Trump administration's decision to roll back climate change regulations. The challenge, led by New York state, argued that the administration has a legal obligation to regulate emissions of the gases believed to cause global climate change. Mars Inc, Staples and The Gap are among US corporations who are also challenging Mr Trump's reversal on climate change policy.
Travel ban 2.0
After an angry weekend in Florida in which he accused former-president Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at Trump Tower, Mr Trump returned to the White House to sign a revised version of his controversial travel ban.
The executive order titled "protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States" was signed out of the view of the White House press corps on 6 March.
The order's new language is intended to skirt the legal pitfalls that caused his first travel ban to be halted by the court system.
The updated ban:
Temporarily halts entry to citizens for 90-days of six Muslim-majority countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen)
Removes Iraq from the previous list, due to increased vetting of its own citizens
Delays implementation until 16 March
Allows current visa holders to travel to the US
Does not affect permanent visa holders (Green Card holders)
Suspends the refugee programme for 120 days
Treats Syrians like any other refugee or immigrant
Removes the religious clause favouring religious minorities - namely Christians
Immediate impact: Soon after the order was signed, it was once again blocked by a federal judge, this time in Hawaii.
Trump signs new travel-ban directive
Undoing Obama-era waterway regulations
Surrounded by farmers and Republican lawmakers, Mr Trump signed an order on 28 February directing the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers to reconsider a rule issued by President Obama.
The 2015 regulation - known as the Waters of the United States rule - gave authority to the federal government over small waterways, including wetlands, headwaters and small ponds.
The rule required Clean Water Act permits for any developer that wished to alter or damage these relatively small water resources, which the president described as "puddles" in his signing remarks.
Opponents of Mr Obama's rule, including industry leaders, condemned it as a massive power grab by Washington.
Scott Pruitt, Mr Trump's pick to lead the EPA, will now begin the task of rewriting the rule, and a new draft is not expected for several years.
Immediate impact: The EPA has been ordered to rewrite, or even repeal the rule, but first it must be reviewed. Water protection laws were passed by Congress long before Mr Obama's rule was announced, so it cannot simply be undone with the stroke of a pen. Instead the EPA must re-evaluate how to interpret the 1972 Clean Water Act.
Coal waste
A bill the president signed on 16 February put an end to an Obama-era regulation that aimed at protecting waterways from coal mining waste.
Senator Mitch McConnell had called the rule an "attack on coal miners".
The US Interior Department, which reportedly spent years drawing up the regulation before it was issued in December, had said it would protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests.
Business regulations
An attempt to cut down on the burden of small businesses.
Described as a "two-out, one-in" approach, the order asked government departments that request a new regulation to specify two other regulations they will drop.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will manage the regulations and is expected to be led by the Republican Mick Mulvaney.
Some categories of regulation will be exempt from the "two-out, one-in" clause - such as those dealing with the military and national security and "any other category of regulations exempted by the Director".
Immediate impact: Wait and see.
Trump moves to cut business regulation
Travel ban (first version)
Probably his most controversial action, so far, taken to keep the country safe from terrorists, the president said.
It included:
suspension of refugee programme for 120 days, and cap on 2017 numbers
indefinite ban on Syrian refugees
ban on anyone arriving from seven Muslim-majority countries, with certain exceptions
cap of 50,000 refugees
The effect was felt at airports in the US and around the world as people were stopped boarding US-bound flights or held when they landed in the US.
Immediate impact: Enacted pretty much straight away. But there are battles ahead. Federal judges brought a halt to deportations, and legal rulings appear to have put an end to the travel ban - much to the president's displeasure.
Trump border policy: Who's affected?
Border security
On Mr Trump's first day as a presidential candidate in June 2015, he made securing the border with Mexico a priority.
He pledged repeatedly at rallies to "build the wall" along the southern border, saying it would be "big, beautiful, and powerful".
Now he has signed a pair of executive orders designed to fulfil that campaign promise.
One order declares that the US will create "a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier".
The second order pledges to hire 10,000 more immigration officers, and to revoke federal grant money from so-called "sanctuary cities" which refuse to deport undocumented immigrants.
It remains to be seen how Mr Trump will pay for the wall, although he has repeatedly insisted that it will be fully paid for by the Mexican government, despite their leaders saying otherwise.
Immediate impact: The Department of Homeland Security has a "small" amount of money available (about $100m) to use immediately, but that won't get them very far. Construction of the wall will cost billions of dollars - money that Congress will need to approve. Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the Republican-led Congress will need to come up with $12-$15bn more, and the funding fight - and any construction - will come up against issues with harsh terrain, private land owners and opposition from both Democrats and some Republicans.
The department will also need additional funds from Congress to hire more immigration officers, but the order will direct the head of the agency to start changing deportation priorities. Cities targeted by the threat to remove federal grants will likely build legal challenges, but without a court injunction, the money can be removed.
The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group, along with Arizona Democrat Raul Graijalva, have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
They argue the Department of Homeland Security is required to draft a new environmental review of the impacts of the wall and other border enforcement activities as it could damage public lands.
How exactly will Trump 'build the wall'?
Two orders, two pipelines
On his second full working day, the president signed two orders to advance construction of two controversial pipelines - the Keystone XL and Dakota Access.
Mr Trump told reporters the terms of both deals would be renegotiated, and using American steel was a requirement.
Keystone, a 1,179-mile (1,897km) pipeline running from Canada to US refineries in the Gulf Coast, was halted by President Barack Obama in 2015 due to concerns over the message it would send about climate change.
The second pipeline was halted last year as the Army looked at other routes, amid huge protests by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at a North Dakota site.
Immediate impact: Mr Trump has granted a permit to TransCanada, the Keystone XL builder, to move forward with the controversial pipeline. As a result, TransCanada will drop an arbitration claim for $15bn in damages it filed under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Mr Trump made no mention of an American steel requirement. Construction will not start until the company obtains a permit from Nebraska's Public Service Commission.
The Dakota Access pipeline has since been filled with oil and the company is in the process of preparing to begin moving oil.
Keystone XL pipeline: Why is it so disputed?
Dakota Pipeline: What's behind the controversy?
Instructing federal agencies to weaken Obamacare
In one of his first actions as president, Mr Trump issued a multi-paragraph directive to the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies involved in managing the nation's healthcare system.
The order states that agencies must "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" any portions of the Affordable Care Act that creates financial burden on states, individuals or healthcare providers.
Although the order technically does not authorise any powers the executive agencies do not already have, it's viewed as a clear signal that the Trump administration will be rolling back Obama-era healthcare regulations wherever possible.
Immediate impact: Republicans failed to secure an overhaul of the US healthcare system due to a lack of support for the legislation. That means Mr Trump's executive order is one of the only remaining efforts to undermine Obamacare.
Can Obamacare be repealed?
Re-instating a ban on international abortion counselling
What's called the Mexico City policy, first implemented in 1984 under Republican President Ronald Reagan, prevents foreign non-governmental organisations that receive any US cash from "providing counselling or referrals for abortion or advocating for access to abortion services in their country", even if they do so with other funding.
The ban, derided as a "global gag rule" by its critics, has been the subject of a political tug-of-war ever since its inception, with every Democratic president rescinding the measure, and every Republican bringing it back.
Anti-abortion activists expected Mr Trump to act quickly on this - and he didn't disappoint them.
Immediate impact: The policy will come into force as soon as the Secretaries of State and Heath write an implementation plan and apply to both renewals and new grants. The US State Department has notified the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that US funding for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) would be withdrawn, arguing that it supports coercive abortion or involuntary sterilisation. The agency has denied this, pointing to examples of its life-saving work in more than 150 countries and territories.
This policy will be much broader than the last time the rule was in place - the Guttmacher Institute, Kaiser Family Foundation and Population Action International believe the order, as written, will apply to all global health funding by the US, instead of only reproductive health or family planning.
Trump's order on abortion policy: What does it mean?
Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, once viewed as the crown jewel of Barack Obama's international trade policy, was a regular punching bag for Mr Trump on the campaign trail (although he at times seemed uncertain about what nations were actually involved).
The deal was never approved by Congress so it had yet to go into effect in the US.
Therefore the formal "withdrawal" is more akin to a decision on the part of the US to end ongoing international negotiations and let the deal wither and die.
Immediate impact: Takes effect immediately. In the meantime, some experts are worried China will seek to replace itself in the deal or add TPP nations to its own free trade negotiations, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), excluding the US.
TPP: What is it and why does it matter?
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Senate panel tees up subpoena vote in probe related to Hunter Biden
(CNN)Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson has teed up a vote next week on a subpoena for a public affairs firm as part of his panel's Ukraine investigation involving former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.
The committee has scheduled a business meeting next week to vote on a subpoena to Blue Star Strategies, a public affairs firm that worked with Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm that hired Hunter Biden. The panel will consider the subpoena along with the nomination of Brian Miller, President Donald Trump's nominee to be the special inspector general for pandemic recovery, on May 20, according to a committee notice obtained by CNN.
Johnson has been investigating Burisma and Ukraine heading into the 2020 presidential election season, and has received documents from the State Department and the National Archives as part of the probe. Before the pandemic hit, Trump suggested he would make Ukraine a major part of the election should Biden be the nominee, while Trump and his allies have repeatedly made unfounded and false claims to allege that the former vice president and his son acted corruptly in Ukraine. Johnson told CNN last week that he could issue a report on what his committee has found later this year.
"We've got a lot of information from the Archives, from the State Department," Johnson said. "We'll probably assemble all that."
While Johnson has insisted the investigation is not related to election-year politics, Democrats on the committee have slammed it as an effort to undermine Biden, and one of the committee's Republicans, Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, said earlier this year that the probe felt political.
Sen. Gary Peters, the ranking Democratic member on the committee, condemned the move to vote on a subpoena as a "distraction" on Wednesday. Peters opposed the subpoena when Johnson first sought to issue it, which is why a committee vote is necessary to authorize the subpoena.
"We should be focusing on Covid issues," Peters told CNN. "It's not related at all to the crisis and so why are we spending time on it?"
CNN has reached out to the Biden campaign and Blue Star Strategies for comment.
The subpoena to Blue Star Strategies comes after Johnson scrapped an earlier vote to subpoena a Blue Star contractor, Andrii Telizhenko, who has made unfounded allegations about Ukrainian election interference in 2016 and is allied with the President's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Telizhenko told CNN in March the allegations against him were part of a smear campaign.
Burisma was at the center of the House's impeachment of Trump last year, as it was the company that Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate in their July 2019 call.
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