Saturday, February 9, 2013

Can small business reimburse one employee for private health insurance and offer nothing to others?

private health insurance
private health insurance image


I work at a small business - 4 full time employees. My employer reimburses one employee for her private health insurance premiums -- on a monthly basis. I have insurance through my husband's employer. The other two employees have no insurance at all and have never been offered reimbursement should they get a private policy. Is this legal? If they give reimbursement to one full time employee, don't they have to offer it to all full-time employees? Because I am on my husband's coverage, his deduction from his paycheck is considerably more than if he had "single" coverage through his employer. Shouldn't my employer have to offer some compensation?

Zarnev is correct = you can bet the class that gets the insurance is the class called "better negotiator" ~ during the hiring process said: "I can't take the job without insurance".

What is the difference between Medicare and Private Health insurance?


I'm doing this project for health on Medicare and I need to now the answer, please dont use really big wrds and the link you found the info would be good too.

Well, Medicare is government run welfare health insurance for the elderly, the permanently disabled, and people in end stage renal failure.

The main difference, is which doctors will take it, and how much the insurance pays the doctor. There's a real issue with Medicare, because it pays so little, that many doctors won't take it.

Free/cheap welfare health insurance does you NO good, if no one will take it.

How exactly is a government mandate to purchase PRIVATE health insurance a government takeover of healthcare?

Q. Do facts seem to escape Republicans because of irrational fear or is it simply a matter of political tactics to lure the "not so bright" to their side? Does "govenment takeover" not imply that there is no involvement from private companies?

Maybe you can't read the constitution or refuse to, but since you have access to the internet one would think you could use a search engine and find out what it says pretty quickly. Apperently you aren't that curious. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that the federal government can force me to buy anything. The powers of the federal government are specific.

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