Friday, February 8, 2013

why is health education and health promotion important in the community?

health promotion
 on Health Promotion Health Promotion  Health and Physical Education ...
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is the impact noticeable or just barely?

both are extremely important, in that the continuum of community health (health literacy, health care costs, public health morbidity, et al) are strongly correlated with health education and health promotion.

health education, is basically increasing literacy and awareness. although HE alone will not ensure that communities adapt healthy lifestyles, it's clearly the first step.
for instance, it a young mother doesn't understand the risks of lead exposure to her child, then she might be somewhat reticent to seek preventative measures. (lead testing, removing old paint, ensuring that the house contains no potential sources of lead, et al.

regarding health promotion, it's usually is at the policy level (eg. childhood vaccinations), or as a "standard of care" regarding a particular health condition (eg. prenatal care, cervical cancer screening, mammograms, prostate exams, et al).

in countries where there is an investment in a preventative public health (health promotion), the citizens tend to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, obesity, sexually transmitted disease, and other chronic illness; hence, significantly reduces the health care costs and loss of productivity due to unhealthy citizens.

the impact is sometimes measurable (reduced vaccine-preventable diseases) or a bit more difficult to measure ( making a correlation between a reduction in HIV due to increase in condom use)

ps... i hope this is not for a class :-)

What kind of work is involed in Health Promotion?


Does it involve Human Anatomy?

I'm hoping to do a degree in Public health (health promotion). And I would like my line of work to involve human biology as I'm very interested in it.

well you should know human anatomy basics, anyway i guess that health promotion would focus on healthy lifestyle and all around it. Then it can promote the way of protection against most dangerous and wide spread infectious diseases /e.g. sexually transmitted/, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Top topic is stress....UUUU, not an easy task to promote health in today's world....UUUU, not easy at all. Where is my lighter!?!!...

Where can I find a good, well paying career in Colorado/Kansas with a Health Promotion Degree?


I would like to find a well paying Career in Colorado with my Health Promotion Degree. I have two years of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Sports Rehabilitation experience. I am just not finding a well paying career in Kansas.

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

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