Sunday, February 10, 2013

Whats the difference between the mens health and the teen (for him) multivitamin?

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Most likely the difference is almost nothing. You can also buy multivitamins specifically for women but I don't think these differ in any important regard to any other multivitamin.

The company just want to make it seem like that bottle of vitamins are specifically for you so you'll buy those ones rather than the competitors brand.

Anyway, there is little to no evidence that there is any benefit whatsoever from taking them.


The bottle should list all the different vitamins that is contained within each pill as well as how much of each vitamin there is. Out of interest, you could compare vitamins supposedly just for men with a version for women and see if there is actually a difference. Even if there is a difference, that may not actually mean anything. They could just vary the amount in each bottle just so it appears that there is a real difference.

What would you recommend to train for the Mens Health Urbanathlon?

Vampire of

I've never ran one, but I'm in pretty good shape, flexible and can control my breathing. I do bikram yoga 4 or 5 times week for many months now. The race is in 10/29/11 so I have time to train more.

I would try to run 5-7 times a week, with 2 of those being 8-10+ miles.

Also work on some plyometric and body control stuff. Like jumping fences, Energized and leaping bear crawls. Army man crawls etc.

You can practice some beginner Parkour moves, these will be used in the urbanathalon.

Should the mens health section be split up into two subsections?


Mens health and Boys health? That way us men dont have to read through all the "is my penis size ok" or "how tall will i be" questions.
Um Michael, you see the same questions if you are on for 10 minutes.

Besides, im at work, im getting paid to be on here!

LOL, but often the ones who ask such silly questions are also too dumb to find the right category! I have seen so many penis questions in the Yahoo section and the Pregnancy/Parenting section too

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