Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hi I need to search for health effects of dairy good and bad?

Hi I need to search for health effects of dairy good and bad? on ! My suggestion would be to go in and gently lay him down, say good ...


Yes we have a class presentation and i need to search for the health effects of dairy. could someone please send me educational websites where I could find informatin on my topic . and please the websites have to be .org or .gov . so please help me with search. once again I am looking for websites that states health effects of dairy .

You can find some good discussions on this topic in a web search for "pros and cons of dairy products".

What's the name of the Reggae song (heard it in Kauai, HI) about weed being good for you and your health?

Q. I heard this song while in Kauai, Hawaii.
Its a reggae song about smoking weed and how its good for you for all these medical reasons and stuff. Its up beat.

Who knows the name?

That's pretty much all of them. Take your pick.

Hi, I am looking for good slogan for our health week at the office?


I also want it fit for all years activities that we plan in this issue

Got good health

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