Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How are the adult mental health services different to adolescent ones in the UK?

mental health services
 on Mental Health Services Act
mental health services image


Ive been transferred, i am currently on an adolescent ward but im 18. So what to expect when im discharged and in adult services instead of CAMHS

they are functionally pretty similar laura, but you may find the decor less colourful, lol.. CAMHS tend to admit teenagers who are having severe self harm issues, eating disorders, emotional regulation issues, depression, psychosis, and various other illnesses. Adult services have very limited beds, sometimes as little as four for an entire borough or town and surrounding area. So they are much more selective about who they admit to hospital. A 15 year old who ODs, for example, may be admitted by CAMHS, but they would be unlikely to be admitted by adult services. i suppose then that the primary difference is, adult services expect you to put up with a lot more before they are willing to intervene.

adult services theoretically provide everything that CAMHS provide, but the criteria for accessing those services is somewhat different. i should think that you would be allocate a care coordinator, CPN, psychiatrist, psychologist, and social worker as routine when you are discharged from hospital. Your care co will be your main point of contact with services, so please use them as much as you can.

my best advice is to not be anxious, they want to support you in exactly the same way that CAMHS did; they just go about it slightly differently.

What mental health services could you benefit from?


Hi, I'm conducting an informal survey for mental health services, my question is, if you were to receive counseling or assistance from a mental health services provider, what would you want? For example if you are depressed, what kind of attention/care would you hope to get? I appreciate your time. Thanks!

I am already on medication for both BiPolar and anxiety, so I suppose that talk therapy about the causes of my episodes would be helpful, too.

What prison in the United States provides the best mental health services to prisoners?

Saul S

I am doing a "proposal" that is aim at targeting the deficiencies that prisons across the United States suffered, especially the State of California. In this proposal, I have to provide details of the common problems that affect prisoners inside prison who suffer from mental health problems. This proposal will consider the economic crisis that limits the government of California from providing better mental health treatment inside prison.

So, which of the 50 states provides better mental health treatment to prisoners, excluding the State of California? Mmm, perhaps cost or something like that.

Thank You!

Not so much an answer but an observation, my dear pal was on death row in San Quentin and he often wrote about how so many guys became so mentally ill that they were no longer fit for execution. Sadly this proved to be true when he took his own life in June this year, says it all for me. Peace

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