Sunday, February 10, 2013

How can we improve awareness of mental health issues in society?

mental health awareness
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There has been some recent interest in this kind of issue, and I wondered just how we can help change attitudes to mental illness? I don't know how it is in other societies, but in my experience there tends to be a conflation of mental disorders. Some people seem to think that fairly minor disorders essentially spell a lifetime of homicidal violence form that person. Similarly, there is a real stigma involved; if mental illness is a problem for Western health professionals then surely it can't be helped by creating an atmosphere of stigma. After all, how can we treat mental illness when people are ashamed to admit to having such problems?

Anyway, I was wondering what you thought. Is education the answer? Legislation? What?

Thanks for reading.

I think we are already raising awareness. Changing people's opinions is a slow process, especially when the opinion is engrained or it's something they fear or don't understand. It wasn't so long ago that people who suffered the same things we question here, were thrown into institutions, drugged into stupors, and left warehoused until they died.

Certainly things could be better, but I think it's important to recognize the progress we've already made. Just like any stigma or prejudice, we have a long road ahead of us. I believe things like this section of yahoo! Answers is a good thing. People share answers, but they also enlighten those who might not understand the intricacies, and the truth that mental illness does not always equal "crazy", "dangerous" or "hopeless".

I think the progress in the scientific and medical fields are also helping our case. Much more is known now than say even 30 yrs ago. No longer are we doing such horrendous treatments as lobotomies, and thermal shock... and even though electroshock is still being used, it is much less horrible and much more humane than before. These disorders are managed much better and results are amazing.

I truly doubt the efficacy of legislation helping much. We've tried to legislate away prejudice of many forms and it simply doesn't work. I think education, awareness, and further study and treatment practices are the only hope.

Famous people involved in mental health awareness?


For School.
When I looked this up there was no answers just famous people who have problems. Please help!

Most people who are famous have some problem or another, just look them up by name. The mental health system is such that almost anyone going in can be found to have something, whether they do or not. It works for them .

What do you think of Ron Artest selling his championship ring to raise awareness for mental health?


This is from the articles I seen earlier...

Ron Artest finally won a title in June after 11 regular seasons of trying ... and now he's planning to sell the championship ring as a fundraiser to put more psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists in schools.

Ron, "I'm never going to put it on."

Ron, "You work so hard to get a ring, and now you have a chance to help more people than just yourself, instead of just satisfying yourself," he said. "What's better than that? For me, this is very important."

My Thoughts...

The 1st thing that came to mind when I seen a question about it yesterday..He won a championship-no one can take that from him, he's doing it for a good cause, and he's proving material things are NOT important..It's who you are inside. Ron has made many mistakes, but he's changing and none of us are perfect. So, as a Lakers fan..I think it's his-he can do what he wants with it and it's for a good cause. Others have stated he could have just wrote a check..But, he won this..This is a sentimental piece of what he always wanted..Now, he chooses to use it for a good cause and let it go. I think it's great!!!!!!

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