Monday, February 4, 2013

How should I use garlic for optimum health benefits?

How should I use garlic for optimum health benefits? on How to Use Flat Leaf Parsley |


I have chronic tension headache, and IBS. I'm thinking garlic might help the tension headache because it can lower blood pressure, and it might help the IBS due to the anti-fungal properties.

Should I take it in raw form, or get garlic pills?

Those who use it for health issues, how has it helped you?

There's little if any evidence that garlic could help you with either of these conditions.

If you want to try it however, go with the raw garlic and incorporate it into your cooking. At least then you know you're getting garlic, rather than a sugar pill. With little or no regulation of supplements, you've really got no idea how much/little those pills contain, if at all. At least raw garlic is 100% garlic and you know how much you are consuming!

What are the health benefits of raw garlic?

Janet M

I've heard garlic (raw) is a natural antibiotic. What are other health benefits of eating raw garlic and also how much should I eat daily to be able to get the benefits?

There are none that are proven by science. There is some evidence that it's possible that garlic kills some bacteria and/or viruses in a petri dish, but that's a far cry from having any health benefits for a person who eats it.

My favorite anecdote (and yes, I am aware that anecdotes are not evidence, but they are amusing) about the reported health benefits of garlic is this:

Friend: Do you have any raw garlic? I have a cold?
Me: Why garlic?
F: Garlic is a natural anti-viral.
M: Really? I had never heard that.
Friend #2: Yeah, that's what he eats garlic every day. Didn't you wonder about that?
M: Yeah...
F1: Yeah, I eat a head of garlic every day.
M: Well if you eat that much garlic every day, and garlic kills viruses, and you got this cold anyway, why do you think that more garlic would kill the virus that gave you this cold? At the very least, this cold is immune to garlic. Possibly, garlic is not anti-viral.
F1: <silence>

Does roasting garlic take away the health benefits?

it's me!

I love the flavor of roasted garlic, but was wondering if there's any health benefit left in eating it like that? I know that obviously raw garlic is going to be the best, but no thanks. I love garlic but not in its raw form.

serves as an antibiotic against certain bacteria and fungi and is thought to reduce blood cholesterol levels. The cooked garlic provides many benefits and roasting will still be beneficial!

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