Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What happens to your health when you withdrawl from ejaculation?

your health
 on Pingu : Pokerip�iv�kirjat - Sivu 46 | Pokeritieto
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Let's say you ejaculate daily, then you stop for 2-3 days, or a week, or a month.

Would the build-up of semen be hazardous to your health in those conditions? And, how is depression affected by ejaculation?

It's you again with the ejaculation question. You can have wet dreams but other than that I don't see any harm in holding it back. Many people have learned how not to come and it is called " edging".

How much are your health benefits at work increasing next year?


Mine are increasing 23%. A full 520% increase from 5 years ago. Unbelievable.
My premiums are increaseing 23% for the same benefits. A full 500% increase from 5 years ago. Unbelievable!
Sorry, might have confused the 2nd guy....PREMIUMS are increasing. i.e. - paying more for the same.

25% with the same benefits!

What good is your health insurance if you have to make me buy it?


I don't know even one person who wants to be without health insurance. The doctors and the hospitals do use collection agencies to collect their money. So there is no need whatsoever to force anyone to buy it.

The only reason I can see as to why anyone would want me to buy health insurance is because they want to give free health care to illegal aliens. I see no other reason. Oh and those other people on welfare.

People on welfare already qualify for free health care. Illegals can already go to hospitals and skip on the bills, and do so daily. It's about control. The more control government has over the populace, the more those in government know they can get by with. As long as people *think* they're getting some benefit from government (whether they are or not), they know that people will continue to sit back and permit our Constitution to be trampled. It's all a giant shell game to keep our eyes off what's going on quietly behind the scenes.

Edit - I call BS on anyone who says requiring everyone to have insurance is going to get everyone covered and save the health care system. These people obviously don't understand how the health care system and insurance work. Traditional full coverage insurance is a huge part of the problem in health care today. When people can go to the doctor for every minor complaint they come across and only pay a minimal copay, they tend to overuse the system... thus increasing demand and cost. People are totally out of touch with the cost of health care when they aren't paying out of pocket a the time of service. Higher deductible major medical plans that cover preventative medicine at 100% are the way to go to reduce the cost of insurance. They're ultimately less costly for the consumer, and the consumer has a vested interest in understanding what they're being asked to pay for before consenting to unnecessary procedures or tests. They also think twice before going to the doctor over trivial ailments. I've been on this type plan for 3 years and have literally saved thousands of dollars. There's also the fact that laws governing health insurance live at state level. This prohibits insurers from offering individual plans across state lines, thus leading to smaller pools of people in plans. This, too, drives up cost. Insuring everyone won't fix a thing. It will just drive the cost higher, leading to people who can't afford it even when it's mandatory. The root problem in health care (cost) has not been addressed with this legislation. Don't believe me? Give it 10 years. Fewer people will be able to afford health care than can now.

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