Thursday, February 7, 2013

What do you think about Catholic hospitals having to include contraceptives in their health insurance policies?

health insurance policies
 on mr ramaswamy decided to buy a health insurance policy to cover the ...
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I keeping hearing it's all about choice and the government is restricting their choice. How about a compromise - let them offer two plans to their employees, one with and one without contraceptive coverage. Then all the non-catholics and the majority of catholics who ignore this teaching from Rome can have the coverage they need, and the rest can have their choice to not be covered.

Pregnancy is not a disease and artificial birth control is not needed for good health (so it is not health care). The real reason why some want unlimited and free contraception is to allow them to continue have as much sex outside of marriage as they desire and to encourage everyone else to follow their sinful path.


The problem here is not to tell people that they cannot have an abortion or contraception (that is another conversation) but religious liberty and forcing people who believe these things to be immoral to provide them and pay for them. This clearly goes against both our Freedoms of Conscience and Religion.

"The conscientious scruples of all men should be treated with great delicacy and tenderness; and it is my wish and desire, that the laws may always be extensively accommodated to them."
-- George Washington

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
-- James Madison, Author of the 1st Amendment

Bishops speak out against Health & Human Services mandate:

Wall Street Journal Op Ed on Religious Freedom:

With love in Christ.

What is preventing Americans from cancelling health insurance policies?


What is preventing myself and the rest of America from cancelling our current health insurance policies, paying the tax, snd simply buying a policy if we get sick or need a medical procedure?

After implementation of the law, Individuals who do not have an insurance policy will be taxed at increasing higher (punitive) rates each year.

What is a good health insurance policy for me and my husband?


He just lost his job, and I am self-employed. We are looking for something with a high deductible, maybe dental coverage as well. Any thoughts on a good policy that isn't really expensive?

I think that the best insur would be the one that is most popular in your area as there will be more participating dr/hospitals. Try calling your local Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They offer individual accts. If your husband had coverage with his prior employer he may qualify for COBRA although quite expensive. Going with an individ. acct would be cheaper but you wouldn't get dental or vision. Also keep in mind that most of the individ. plans out there have a pre-existing clause and/or underwriting requirements. Again I would call the major health insurance companies in your area and see what individ. products they have to offer. Also look to see what your state offers. Most states realize that adults need coverage and they have a basic plan for low income families that make too much for welfare but too little to pay for full coverage elsewhere. Good Luck!!

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