Wednesday, February 6, 2013

what health and safety and hygiene precautions should i take when a dog is pregnant and once she has had pups?

Sheryl Tho

This is for my college assignment and not because my dog is pregnant,any help would be appreciated as i have some information but would like a little bit more though.

they should essentially be quarantined- no other pets and no outside visitors until they have had their first shots. family should wash their hand often especially right before handling the pups, remove their shoes (or sanitize them), and clean up the pen often. the whelping box should have pigs rails and be lined with disposable material like news paper- no blankets, other bedding or pillows that the pups can smother under. it should be 78-80 degrees F and well away from drafts until the pups eyes and ears are open. mom and pups get worm meds every 2 weeks starting at 2 weeks of age. pups should be weighed twice a day, 12 hours apart and a chart should be made to keep track. there is much, much more- that is just the major stuff.

what do you do personally to ensure your own health and hygiene does not pose a risk to others?


I wash my hands, sneeze into the crook of my arm instead of into the air. If I'm ill, I dont kiss people. I use disposable tissues.

How and Why is personal Hygiene important health wise?


If you don't keep yourself clean you can cop for all sorts of irritating little disease - and creatures - and you will smell awful !

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