Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Well libs, Howard Dean says the health care bill is "an insurance company dream". Now what?

Q. The liberals in congress are about to pass a health care bill that allows insurance companies to drop people for preexsisting conditions, and will make it illegal to not carry insurance.

There is your hope and change!!! What a joke!!! You dupes voted for this guy too!!!

Nobody has even read the bill. But I did just see where a section of it is being read and Democrats are livid. Acccusing Republicans of stalling. Uh, no. People deserve to know what they are paying for.

Will Obama have Dan Pfeiffer tell Howard Dean to shut up over the health care bill or be reprimanded?

Q. Dan Pfeiffer replaced the Mao loving Anita Dunn, will he follow lockstep with the Obama Cabal and stifle those who oppose the illustrious Marxist Obama?


Or will he just throw Howard "Yeehaw" Dean under the Obama Bus with the rest that see through his silly Marxist agenda?

Obama had better not. Howard Dean probably has the most viable solution to this health care reform debacle. His suggestion to throw out the Senate bill and go to reconciliation sounds like the best suggestion I have heard recently.

Edit: It occurs to me that you are a little confused. You do realize, donât you, that Howard Dean is a strong supporter of the public option. Your reference to his being able to âsee through his silly Marxist agendaâ makes no sense whatsoever.

Is this insanity? MSNBC - Chris Matthews violent verbal interview with Howard Dean about Obama Health Care?

U, S. Citi

2 Progressive/Democrats in a violent verbal debate about Obama Health Care and the victory of Scott Brown. What is happening with democrats/progressives?

Chris M. has serious issues and appears manic.

Yes, they are imploding.

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