Friday, February 8, 2013

What is a good health insurance for children with special needs?

better health
 on Better Health International
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My son is on a feeding tube due to a small bowel transplant he received last year. My husband and I are returning to a full work schedule and our health insurance (Tricare) does not cover a nurse for him, or special daycare because his only special need is the feeding tube and the medication he receives through it. Apparently that's not enough. So is there a good company that I can purchase insurance through who will cover these types of things for him?

I'm sorry to hear about your son being in this condition.

There is not a company that will insure him to cover the medical problems that he has, that I know of. There are some which say they are guaranteed issue, and cover pre-existing conditions, but they are not Major Medical coverages, which you need. Check out this site, if you want to find the cheapest health insurance just in one minute,

Here you can get free quotes from different health insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an afforable health insurance with a reliable company.

Best Wishes,

What is a good health insurance policy for me and my husband?


He just lost his job, and I am self-employed. We are looking for something with a high deductible, maybe dental coverage as well. Any thoughts on a good policy that isn't really expensive?

I think that the best insur would be the one that is most popular in your area as there will be more participating dr/hospitals. Try calling your local Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They offer individual accts. If your husband had coverage with his prior employer he may qualify for COBRA although quite expensive. Going with an individ. acct would be cheaper but you wouldn't get dental or vision. Also keep in mind that most of the individ. plans out there have a pre-existing clause and/or underwriting requirements. Again I would call the major health insurance companies in your area and see what individ. products they have to offer. Also look to see what your state offers. Most states realize that adults need coverage and they have a basic plan for low income families that make too much for welfare but too little to pay for full coverage elsewhere. Good Luck!!

How can us tax paying, Americans help be heard for a better health plan?

Margaret L

There is got to be voices from americans for a plan that would work for us to have our medcal needs to be met. Let,s put some ideas together and maybe the insurance companys and our government will listen to us.

You know the problem is George Bush and company. The Dem's have proposed a viable health plan for our kids.....the administration opted to veto it. He would rather pay for his interest (Iraq) than the American people.

If you want Health Care...if you want a stable government....if you want secure social security and if you want to be a proud American for democratically and kick the republicans out of office....lock stock and barrel.

It doesn't do any good to write letters....the votes that are needed to overcome Bush's veto are republicans and no matter how many letters and phone calls they get they will NOT go against party lines....that is their life blood. Save your energy and save your time.....but do vote the republicans out of office in 2008

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